This article contains the Read Me for the AppleShare IP 6.3.1 Update. It contains information concerning the proper installation of the update and related software.
About AppleShare IP 6.3.1
AppleShare IP 6.3.1 offers improved performance and increased reliability. It also includes these changes:
Client computers that connect to the server using SMB can always view all items available in a directory
Improved performance of the IMAP server
You can enable the "Start server on system startup" checkbox after using the AppleShare IP 6.3.1 Update package
Improved file server security against denial of service attacks
New version of client softwareÑAppleShare Client 3.8.6
You can use Mac OS Admin remotely to change a folder's explicit privileges. In previous versions you could not do this if you set a folder to inherit access privileges of the enclosing sharepoint
System Requirements
To upgrade to AppleShare IP 6.3.1 you must have:
An iMac, Power Macintosh, Macintosh Server, or Workgroup Server with a PowerPC G4, G3, 604e, 604, 603e 6500 series, or 601 microprocessor
Mac OS 9.0.4 (If you have a Macintosh Server G4 with Mac OS 9.0.3 installed, you do not need to upgrade to Mac OS 9.0.4.)
AppleShare IP version 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, or 6.3
Installing AppleShare IP 6.3.1
1. Install Mac OS 9.0.4. (You can download this version from the Apple Web site at
2. Follow the instructions for installing and setting up AppleShare IP found in the Getting Started manual and Late Breaking News.
Do not follow the instructions in Late Breaking News for installing the AppleShare IP Thread Manager. You don't need to install the AppleShare IP Thread Manager because it is included in Mac OS 9.0.4.
3. Replace the previous version of AppleShare IP Help with the new version by doing the following:
Open the Help folder located in the System Folder
Drag the AppleShare IP 6.3 Help folder to the Trash
Rename the AppleShare IP 6.3.1 Help folder to "AppleShare IP 6.3 Help"
Using Web-based Remote Administration
Make sure AppleTalk is active before you use Web-based Remote Administration.
Using Mac OS Server Admin to administer your server from a remote workstation
To administer an AppleShare IP 6.3.1 server, you must install Mac OS Server Admin version 6.3.1 on each workstation from which you want to administer the server. You can't use an older version of Mac OS Server Admin to administer an AppleShare IP 6.3.1 server. However, you can use the newer version of Mac OS Server Admin to administer any server that has AppleShare IP 6.3 or 6.3.1 installed.