Hardware Requirements |
Software Requirements |
Earlier versions of this software may be available at http://download.info.apple.com/ For help with downloading, see article 75098 " Help: Downloading Software "All software available from this site is covered by a software license agreement included with this software. |
When using the gdb debugger on programs built with WebObjects 4.0.1, or 4.5 on certain platforms (see "Products affected" below), the print-object command (usually abbreviated "po") sometimes produces extraneous output and sometimes prints unintelligible text instead of the object's description. A patch, described below, can fix this issue.
When you use the print-object ("po") command, gdb may:
Products affected
1. Download the tar archive containing the fix:
2. Unpack the .tar file
3. Follow the instructions in the READ ME file with the .tar archive on how to add the patch to a project on your platform.
Note: Each application you want to debug must have the patch installed; it does not update anything system-wide.
You may want to add commands to your gdb.ini file (on Windows) or .gdbinit file (on other systems) to set a breakpoint on a startup function and automatically install the fix. For example, your gdb.ini or .gdbinit file might include the following, which will take a few seconds to automatically do all the work for you:
call fixGdbPrintObject()
3. The gdb patch is intended for use with WebObjects applications, rather than AppKit applications.
4. When debugging AppKit applications on Windows NT and Windows 2000, the gdb patch may cause issues in the Open and Save panels. Some entries in the combo box for file types may be missing or damaged. To work around this, type the file type instead of selecting it from the menu.
Document Information | |
Product Area: | WebObjects |
Category: | WebObjects 4; WebObjects 4.5 |
Sub Category: | Patches |
Keywords: | kbdload, ksts |
Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.