Mac OS: Sharing Files With Windows-Based Computers
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There are several different way to share files between Mac OS- and Windows-based computers.
AppleTalk File Protocol
If you have a Windows NT Server or Windows 2000 Server, you can turn on AppleTalk File Protocol (AFP). AFP is the native Macintosh file sharing protocol. With AFP enabled, Macintosh computers will be able to see the server when clicking the AppleShare icon in the Chooser. For information on enabling AFP on a Windows NT or Windows 2000 Server, check the built-in help on the server, or other documentation that came with it.
AppleShare IP 6.x Server
If you have an AppleShare IP 6.x Server you can use SMB, the native Windows file sharing protocol. See AppleShare IP Help and documentation for more information on setting up this service.
Windows NT or 2000 Server
If you have Macintosh clients and a Windows NT or Windows 2000 Server with no Macintosh services enabled, or if you are trying to share files between a Mac OS-based computer and a computer running Windows 95 or 98 then there are two options.
1. Install software on the Macintosh that will allow it to connect to SMB servers. Some examples of software that allow this are Dave by Thursby software, MochaSofts' Mocha SMB, or DoubleTalk by Connectix. If you only have a few Macintosh clients and a larger number of Windows clients, or need to connect to a specific Windows server then this option may work for you.
2. Install software on the Windows based computer that allows it to use AFP servers. Some examples include Miramar's PC Mac LAN, and Thursby's TSTalk. If you have more Macintosh than Windows clients or need to connect to AFP servers, then this option may work for you.
You should investigate the various packages mentioned above, and others not listed to make an informed decision. More information on products available for the Mac OS can be found at
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