Copying large files to a Jaz or Zip fails
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    Power Computing provided the information in this article and it was deemed accurate as of 14 November 1997. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. This article is being provided as is and will not be updated in the future.

    I can't copy large files to my Jaz or Zip drive.


    Iomega, as well as Power Computing, recommends that you use only Iomega driver for the Jaz or Zip drive and that you use the Zip tools to do such things as format the disks. Do not run both HDT extension and Iomega driver at the same time. They'll conflict with each other.

    Try a different cartridge.

    If you have any external SCSI devices, remove them from the system (make sure the computer and the SCSI devices are all turned off). If it works with the SCSI devices removed, there's a problem with the external SCSI chain. See PowerSource 1515 for details on setting up a SCSI chain properly.

    Boot from the PowerCD (set it as the boot disk in the Start Up Disk control panel) and see if you can copy to the Jaz or Zip without crashing disks. You can mount the Jaz or Zip cartridge by using HDT Primer (don't allow HDT to update the driver if it asks). If this works, you have a problem with extensions or with the system folder. You can do a clean install to fix the system folder.

    To look into extensions troubleshooting, use the Extensions Manager and change SET to System 7.5.x or 7.6.x base. Add in the Iomega driver (for 7.6.x, you'll need to first duplicate the set). Close the Extensions Manager and restart. If the Jaz or Zip drive works, then there's an extension conflict. Track it down by turning extensions on 2-3 at a time until it doesn't work again. Delete and reinstall the affected software or contact their manufacturers.

    Machines Affected: All

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: Power Computing Corp.
Sub Category: Troubleshooting
Keywords: kpowercc

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