ClarisWorks and FileMaker Pro include a feature called Slide Objects which will allow you to remove extra space within fields when printing. Slide Objects can slide left, removing unused space between two adjacent fields (say, FirstName and LastName). Slide Objects can also slide up, removing blank lines when a field is blank.
In ClarisWorks versions 1, 2 and 3, to get sliding objects to work, you will need to place the fields very precisely. Please read Part II below for instructions. Note: if you're using ClarisWorks version 1.0v2 or 1.0v3 and importing data, you will need to update to version 1.0v3 or later.
Note: ClarisWorks 4.0/5.0 label layouts:
ClarisWorks 4.0/5.0 includes a Label Assistant. Use the label assistant to create your label layouts, instead of following the instructions below. It's easier to create a new layout with the Label Assistant than to fix an existing layout. To use the Label Assistant, open your database, then go to Browse, then select ClarisWorks Assistants from the Help (?) Menu.
Note: FileMaker Pro 3.0 label layouts:
FileMaker Pro 3.0 label layouts contain Merge Fields instead of field boxes. These merge fields automatically slide the data together, without using the Sliding Objects feature. So, you donÕt need to follow the instructions below. You can use Merge Fields on any layout where you want the data to slide together
The following two parts explain how to make Slide Objects work:
Part 1 - Using a Calculation Field Instead
This method uses calculation fields to concatenate (combine) the data into a single field. When you use this field on your layout, Sliding Objects is not needed, because the data in the calculation field is already combined. This can be much easier than using the original fields with Sliding Objects. Disadvantages:
The data will be duplicated in your file, making the file larger. Also, in ClarisWorks, since text in calculation fields won't wrap, you should only use this for text that will fit on a single line.
Part 2 - Getting Sliding Objects to Work in ClarisWorks
This method explains how to place the fields on a layout and get Sliding Objects to work properly.
Part 1 - Fixing Problems with Sliding Objects - Using a Calculation Instead
Fixing sliding left:
You can replace the fields on your layout with fields with the data concatenated (combined). These fields already have the data combined, so the Sliding Objects feature is not needed. You should define one calculation field for each row where your layout has multiple fields.
Consider this field layout:
«First Name» «Last Name»
«Address 1»
«Address 2»
«City», «State» «ZIP»
In this example, you would define one calculation field to replace First Name and Last Name on the layout. You would define a second calculation field to replace «City», «State» «ZIP».
A. Defining the Calculation Field.
This is how to define a new field called CityStateZip Combined, which will replace the City, State and ZIP fields on your layout. (For this example, when you see the underscore character (_), that means to type a space.)
1) Go to Define Fields. Type in the name of the new field, 'CityStateZIP Combined.' Click the Calculation button. Click Create.
2) Click on the popup menu to change the calculation result to Text.
3) Enter the calculation formula. It will look like this -
FileMaker: City & ",_" & State & "_" & Zip
ClarisWorks: 'City' & ",_" & 'State' & "_" & 'Zip'
ClarisWorks (alternate formula): CONCAT('City',",_" , 'State' , "_" , 'Zip')
4) Define similar calculation fields as needed. For example, you could define a calculation field called Full Name, to replace the First Name and Last Name fields on your layout. Sample forumulas for ClarisWorks:
'First Name' & "_" & 'Last Name'
A better formula that handles the space between the two fields:
IF(ISBLANK('First Name'),"",'First Name'&"_") & 'Last Name'
B. Placing the Calculation Fields on your Printing Layout
1) First, go to the Layout mode. Delete any fields that you will replace with calculation fields. To delete a field, click once on the field, then press the Delete key. Delete any text objects, such as a comma, as needed.
2) Add the calculation fields to your layout
ClarisWorks: use the Insert Field command from the Layout menu
FileMaker Pro: Drag the Field Tool from the tool bar area on the left, into the Body of your layout. Release the mouse button, then select the first calculation field you want on the layout. Do not click the checkbox to add the field label. Do this again for each additional calculation field to add to the layout.
3) Position the fields: drag the field boxes into position. They can touch, but they should not overlap.
Sliding Up:
Sliding Up generally works in both FileMaker Pro and ClarisWorks, as long as the field boxes are not overlapping. To enable Slide Up -
ClarisWorks: Go to Edit Layouts or Layout Info and click the checkbox for Sliding Up
FileMaker Pro: Select all the fields on the Layout, then go to Sliding/Printing or Slide Objects.
Part 2 - Getting Slide Objects to Work In ClarisWorks
To get fields to slide properly when you print, follow these guidelines:
1) Fields cannot touch or overlap. Try increasing the view magnification to 200% to check this.
2) Field boxes in the same row need to have both the tops and bottoms of the field boxes aligned. The easiest method is to select the fields in a row, then use Align Objects to align the top edges. Then resize the boxes as necessary to align the bottom edges. To resize a field box, click once on a box to select it. Then drag the handle in the lower right corner.