ClarisWorks 2.0 and 2.1 for Macintosh: Technical Specifications
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    This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.


    Technical Specifications of ClarisWorks 2.0 and 2.1 for Macintosh

    All Documents (except Communications)
    Max. Number of Open Documents - Limited by available memory
    Max. Number of Open Views per Document - Limited by available memory
    Max. Number of Objects per Document - 65,534
    Max. Object Size - 32,767 x 32,767 points
    Min. and Max. Object Scaling - 25% to 400% both horizontally and vertically
    Min. and Max. Header and Footer Size - One third of the chosen paper size
    Min. and Max. Margin Settings - Specific to the chosen printer
    Min. and Max. Printer Reduction - Specific to the chosen printer
    Min. and Max. for Starting Page Number - 0 to 9000
    Number of Split Bars - 2 Horizontal and 2 Vertical (9 panes)
    Min. and Max. View Scale - 3.125% to 3200%
    Max. Number of Slides (pages) - Limited by document size**
    Max. Slide Background Colors - 8, 16, or 81 fixed colors/256 editable colors**
    Max. Slide Border Colors - 8, 16, or 81 fixed colors/256 editable colors**
    Rulers Types - 2 (Text and Graphics)
    Rulers Units - 5 (Inches, Picas, Points, Millimeters and Centimeters)

    Number of Divisions per Ruler Unit - 1 to 512
    Number of Formats - 5 (General, Currency, Percent, Scientific and Fixed)
    Number Precision - 0 to 15 places
    Date Formats - 5
    Time Formats - 4
    Default Shortcuts Buttons - 10 (Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Bold, Italic, Underline, Open, Save and Print)**
    Other Shortcut Buttons - 19 (Align Center, Align Justify (not SS), Align Left, Align Right, Clear, Edit Macros, Edit Shortcuts, Hide/Show Margins, Hide/Show Page Guides, Insert Document, Plain Text, Play Macro, Record Macro On/Off, Slide Show, Spell Check, Stack Windows, Strike-Thru, Thesaurus and Tile Windows)**
    Max. Number of Macros - 65,535
    Dictionary - 110,000 words
    Thesaurus - 660,000 synonyms
    User Dictionary - 32,767 character capacity
    Graphics Formats - 6 XTND Filters (EPSF, GIF, MacPaint 2.0, PICT, QuickTime Movie and TIFF)**

    Word Processing Documents
    Max. Number of Pages Across - 9
    Max. Number of Pages Down - (65,534 / Number of Column per page) / Number of Pages Across
    Max. Number of Columns - 9
    Min. Space Between Columns - .06 inches

    Max. Number of Footnotes - 65,534
    Min. and Max. for Starting Footnote Number - 0 to 9999

    Word Processing Environment
    Outline Formats - 7 (Diamond, Numeric, Harvard, Legal, Bulleted List, Check List and one custom format per text frame)**
    Outline Topic Labels - 12 (None, Diamond, Bullet, Check Box, Harvard, Leader, Legal, Letter Caps, Letter, Numeric, Roman Caps and Roman)**
    Max. Number of Customizable Outline Levels - 16 **
    Max. Number of Outline Levels - 256 **
    Min. and Max. Space Before Paragraph - 0 pt. to 255 pt. **
    Min. and Max. Line Spacing - 4 pt. to 512 pt. **
    Min. and Max. Space After Paragraph - 0 pt. to 255 pt. **
    Number of Text Styles - 11 (Plain, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike Thru, Outline, Shadow, Condense, Extend, Superscript, Subscript)**
    Max. Number of Defined Styles - 20 (the first eight get key equivalents) **
    Min. and Max. Font Size - 4 pt. to 255 pt. **
    Number of text Colors - 8, 16 or 81 fixed colors / 256 editable colors **
    Max. Number of Style Changes in a (Set of Linked) Text Frame(s) - 65,534

    Types of Text Wrapping Around Objects - None, Regular and Irregular **
    Number of Alignment Options - 4 (Left, Center, Right and Full Justification)
    Number of Tab Marker Types - 4 (Left, Center, Right and Decimal)
    Tab Fill Types - 4 (None, -, _ and .) **
    Max. Number of Tab Settings per Paragraph - 20
    Default Word Processing Shortcuts Buttons - 10 (Hide/Show Invisibles, Custom Style, Increment Font Size, Decrement Font Size, Make Table, Copy Ruler, Apply Ruler, Align Left, Align Center and Align Right) **
    Formats Supported - 25 XTND Translators (Acta 3.0, AppleWorks 2.0-3.0, AppleWorks GS, EPSF, GIF, MacPaint 2.0, MacWrite, MacWrite II, MS-Word 3.0-4.0, MS-Word PC, MS-Works 1.1-2.0, MS-Write, PICT, RTF, Text, TIFF, WordPerfect 1.0-1.02, WordPerfect 4.2-5.0 PC, WriteNow 1.0-2.2 and WriteNow NeXT) **

    Draw Documents
    Max. Number of Pages - 9999 across by 9999 down but less than 32,767 total

    Draw Environment
    Number of Tools - 10 (Line, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Oval, Arc, Polygon, Freehand, Bezigon, Regular Polygon and Eyedropper)**

    Min. and Max. Number of Sides for a Regular Polygon - 3 to 40 **
    Max. Number of Points per Polygon or Freehand Object - 8,192
    Number of Editable Gradients - 32 editable gradients**
    Number of Fill/Line Colors - 8, 16 or 81 fixed colors / 256 editable colors **
    Number of Fill/Line Patterns - 64 editable patterns **
    Min. and Max. Line Width - .03 pt. to 255 pt.
    Number of Arrow Line Types - 3 (Start, End and Both Ends)
    Default Drawing Shortcuts Buttons - 10 (Align Top, Align Left, Align Bottom, Align Right, Align Horizontal Centers, Align Vertical Centers, Irregular Text Wrap, Move Forward, Move Backward and Rotate 90 Degrees) **
    Other Drawing Shortcuts Buttons - 17 (Autogrid On/Off, Decrement Line Width, Distribute Horizontally, Distribute Vertically, Duplicate, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, Increment Line Width, Move to Back, Move to Front, No Text Wrap, Regular Text Wrap, Reshape, Smooth, Group, Ungroup, Unsmooth) **

    Paint Environment (subsumes the Draw Environment) **
    Min. Number of Pixels - 36 across and 36 down

    Max. Number of Pixels - 2000 across and 2000 down
    Color Depth Levels - 6 (B&W, 4, 16, 256, Thousands and Millions)
    Resolution Levels - 5 (72, 144, 288, 300 and 360 DPI)
    Paint Modes - 3 (Opaque, Transparent pattern, Tint)
    Grid Sizes - 5 (2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 pixels)
    Number of Tools - 18 (Line, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Oval, Arc, Polygon, Freehand, Bezigon, Regular Polygon, Eyedropper, Selection Marquee, Lasso, Magic Wand, Paint Brush, Pencil, Paint Bucket, Spray Can and Eraser)
    Number of Editable Brush Shapes - 32
    Number of Fill/Line Colors - B&W, 4 or 16 / 256 editable colors
    Min. and Max. Spray Can Dot Size - 1 to 72 pixels
    Min. and Max. Spray Can Flow Rate - 1 to 100 (units?)
    Default Painting Shortcuts Buttons - 10 (Opaque Mode, Transparent Mode, Tint Mode, Lighter, Darker, Tint, Fill, Blend, Rotate 90 Degrees and Zoom to Fit)
    Other Painting Shortcuts Buttons - 9 (Autogrid On/Off, Decrement Line Width, Duplicate, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, Increment Line Width, Invert and Pickup)

    Spreadsheet Documents

    Max. Number of Cells - 256 Columns by 16,384 Rows = 4,194,304 cells
    Min. and Max. Column Width - 0 to 510 pts.
    Min. and Max. Row Height - 0 to 256 pts.
    Number of Page Breaks per Document - 65,535
    Max. Lock Titles Area - 128 Columns by 128 Rows **
    Max. Number of Characters in a cell - 255
    Cell Alignment - 5 (General, Left, Center, Right and Wrap) **
    Cell Border Types - 5 (Outline, Left, Top, Right and Bottom) **
    Number of Functions Available - 100
    Default Spreadsheet Shortcuts Buttons - 20 (AutoSum, Align Center, Align Left, Align Right, Align Wrap, Borders Outline, Borders Right, Borders Bottom, Area Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, Commas, Currency, Delete Cells, Insert Cells, Show-Hide Formulas, Percent, Sort Down and Sort Up) **
    Other Spreadsheet Shortcuts Buttons - 25 (Align General, Auto Calc On/Off, Auto Size Column, Auto Size Row, Calculate Now, Copy Format, Decrement Decimal, Increment Decimal, Gridlines On/Off, Hi-Lo Chart, Next Date, Next Time, Negative Parenthesis, Paste Format, Pictogram Chart, Scatter Chart, Scientific Notation, Set Print All, Set Print Selected, Solid Gridlines, Stacked Area Chart, Stacked Bar Chart, Stacked Pictogram Chart, XY Line Chart and XY Scatter Chart) **

    File Formats Supported - 7 XTND Translators (ASCII Text, DBF, DIF, SYLK, AppleWorks SS, MS-Works 2.0 SS and MS-Excel 3.0) **
    Maximum number of cells in a sort 65520

    Chart Types - 12 (Pie, Bar, Stacked Bar, Area, Stacked Area, Line, X-Y Line, Scatter, X-Y Scatter, Hi-Low Pictogram and Stacked Pictogram) **
    Max. Length of Chart Title, Legend and X-Y Axis Labels - 255 **
    Positions for Legend/Title - 8 (Upper Left, Upper Middle, Upper Right, Middle Left, Middle Right, Lower Left, Lower Middle and Lower Right) **
    Types of Axis Ticks - 4 (None, Outside, Inside and Across) **
    Number of Chart Symbols - 12 **
    Chart Symbols Colors - 8, 16 or 81 fixed colors / 256 editable colors **
    Chart Symbol Size - 4 to 250 points **
    Positions for Label Data - 9 (Upper Left, Upper Middle, Upper Right, Middle Left, Center, Middle Right, Lower Left, Lower Middle and Lower Right) **

    Database Documents
    Max. Number of Records per Document - 32,767
    Max. Number of Fields per Document - 255
    Min. and Max. Number of Chars. in a Field Name - 1 to 63

    Field Types - 6 (Text, Number, Date, Time Calculation and Summary)
    Max. Number of Chars. in a Text or Number Field - 510 chars. less 20 for each style change in the field
    Max. Number of Chars. in Calculation or Summary Field Formula - 254
    Number of Available Functions - 89
    Max. Number of Layouts in a File - 32,767
    Min. and Max. Number of Chars. in a Layout Name - 1 to 31
    Layouts Types - 5 (Standard, Columnar, Labels, Blank and Duplicate)
    Max. Length and Width of Layout - 1 page (will use objects placed below)
    Number of Layout Parts - 5 (Header/Footer, Body, Sub-Summary and Leading/Trailing Grand Summary)
    Max. Number of Columns in a Layout - 12
    Max. ClarisWorks Labels - up to 110 label models can be defined in the file**
    Max. Number of Find Requests - 32,767
    Max. Length of a Match Records Formula - 255 characters
    Default Database Shortcuts Buttons - 10 (Select Equivalents, Select Non-Equivalents, Select Less Than, Select Greater Than, Sort Up, Sort Down, Resort, New Record, Omit Record and Show All) **
    Other Database Shortcuts Buttons - 5 (Delete Record, Hide Selected, Select Less Than or Equal, Select Greater Than or Equal and Resort) **

    File Formats Supported - 6 XTND Translators ( ASCII Text, DBF, DIF, SYLK, AppleWorks DB and MS-Works 2.0 DB) **
    Max. Number of characters in a field imported from DIF, DBF, and ASCII Text (Tab-Seperated-Text)File - 255 characters.

    Communications Documents
    Max. Number of Open Documents - Limited by available memory **
    Max. Memory of Log Window - 32,767 lines, kilobytes or screens (?) **
    Number of Included Tools - 6 (Apple Modem, Serial, Text, XMODEM, Kermit, TTY and VT102) **
    Max Entries in PhoneBook - 32,767 **
    Default Communications Shortcuts Buttons - 10 (Print, Save, Copy, Paste, PhoneBook, Open Connection, Wait Connection, Reset Connection, Send File and Receive File) **
    Other Communications Shortcuts Buttons - 8 (Close Connection, Edit Macros, Edit Shortcuts, Macro Wait, Play Macro, Record Macro On/Off, Stack Windows and Tile Windows) **

    ** New Since ClarisWorks 1.0

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Claris Software
Sub Category: ClarisWorks

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.