Graphics Export Result in PICT or EPSF with Too Many Pages (DR)
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    This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.


    In the applications which use the Claris Graphics Engine, it is possible to adjust the drawing size for your documents separately from the absence or presence of objects on that page. This can cause difficulties when you wish to export your document for use in another application and have made changes to the drawing size.

    In other words, if you have a multi-page Drawing document, you can reduce the number of pages in your file. (To do so in ClarisWorks (all versions), you use the Format menu and choose Document; in ClarisImpact you use the Layout menu and choose Document.)

    However, if you have placed objects on the deleted pages prior to removing the pages, objects which are on the extra pages are not deleted. If you use the Save As... command to save your file in a transfer format like PICT or EPSF (the latter not an option from ClarisWorks) the resulting PICT or EPSF file will have a drawing size which is large enough to include all of the objects in the document, not just the objects on the displayed pages.

    For example, if you have a 10-page vertically-oriented drawing document, and place a line at the bottom of page 10, then go to the document format dialog and change the number of vertical pages to 2, the line at the bottom of page 10 will no longer be visible. If you use the Save As... command to create a PICT file from your 2-page document, the PICT image will be 10 pages tall, and will have a line at the bottom.

    This also happens in ClarisWorks Windows when saving to PICT or Windows Metafile formats.

    To avoid this, be sure to delete all objects from any pages that are no longer used and will be deleted in the document format dialog.

    This is not an issue in MacDraw Pro, MacDraw II or Claris CAD, which do not allow you to make the drawing size smaller than the size of the objects in the drawing area.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Claris Software
Sub Category: Claris Impact; ClarisWorks

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