Exporting Using "Format Output" Option Doesn't Include Text Styles
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This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
When exporting to a text file, the Specify Field Order for Layout dialog has an option called "Format Output Using the Current Layout". This option does not support exporting any text attributes, including style, size or font. Text style attributes include case (Upper, Lower, Title), bold, italic, small caps, and so forth.
Thus, no formatting options can be exported from text fields. Case attributes can be exported by defining a calculation field, then exporting the calculation field. For example, to export a field in Title case, define a calculation field with this formula:
Proper (Textfield).
In the case of number, date and time fields, the options supported for export include the options in the Number Format, Date Format and Time Format dialog boxes. For example, you can export a number field with $, % or a fixed number of decimal places. You can export a date field with the date spelled out using any format that can be displayed on the layout (e.g., December 31, 1994). You can export a time field with the time spelled out using any format that can be displayed on the layout (e.g., 8:31pm).