ClarisDraw, Impact: Workaround to Apply Kerning and Tracking
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    Simulate typesetting basics like kerning and tracking in ClarisDraw and ClarisImpact by using the Bind Text (in ClarisDraw) and SmartAlign features.

    This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.


    Tracking and kerning in ClarisDraw and ClarisImpact
    Although ClarisDraw and ClarisImpact do not support a tracking (character or letter spacing) or kerning (custom adjustment of space between individual pairs of letters) feature, it is possible to achieve the same effect for your text. Here's how to do it.

    In ClarisDraw, you can use the Bind Text feature to simulate text tracking:

    1. Create a straight horizontal line the length of your text block.
    2. Select the text block and the line.
    3. Choose Bind Text from the Text menu.
    4. Select transparent from the Pen Pattern palette (the first choice in the Pattern Palette is "transparent") to make the line invisible.
    5. Choose Bind Text Options... from the Text menu.
    6. Increase the Tracking percentage to make the spacing between letters greater. Decrease the Tracking percentage to make the spacing between letters tighter.

    Tip: Use the above technique for titles, where larger point sizes (roughly 18 point and above) create the optical illusion of more space between the individual characters.

    In both ClarisDraw and ClarisImpact, you can use the SmartAlign feature to create relationships that can simulate kerning:

    1. Create each letter in each word as a separate object. (If you wish to kern only the characters within a single word, create each letter of that word as a separate object.)
    2. Select all of the separate objects and use the Alignment command to Create an "align bottoms and distribute space" relationship.
    3. Click on the last letter of the text and use the arrow keys to kern the whole word or sentence (remember to turn Autogrid off).

    Also see article, "How to Kern Headlines".

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Claris Software
Sub Category: Claris Draw

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