About Version 1.0, Press Release
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First cross-platform application to unify creating, editing and communicating with business graphics, defining new product category
This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 31, 1994 -- Claris Corporation announced that ClarisImpact, the all-new automatic business graphics application for Macintosh and Windows, is now shipping and available for Macintosh systems from authorized Claris resellers across the U.S. Claris is offering free demo disks of ClarisImpact to all interested parties by calling (800)325-2747.
"Initial response from our resellers and beta sites who are using ClarisImpact is tremendous," said Daniel L. Eilers, president and CEO of Claris Corp. "They find the breadth of automatic business graphics, built-in artwork, and seamless integration with word processing and presentations a truly unique solution for communicating with graphics."
ClarisImpact establishes a new category of business productivity software, seamlessly integrating the process of creating, editing and communicating business graphics. The category of "business graphics processing" is analogous to word processing since the program provides a "deliverable" such as a report or presentation. This approach to communication is an easy alternative to struggling with graphics between spreadsheets, charting programs, word processors and presentation applications.
"ClarisImpact provides accessibility to a broad array of business tools -- most notably, easy-to-use graphics," said Joan-Carol Brigham, senior staff consultant with market analyst firm International Data Corporation. "Armed with all of these tools in one product, users should see increased productivity and more concise business communication."
What Users Think
"I see ClarisImpact going to all our key presenters right away," said Patrick Taylor of Nike, Inc. "It's perfect for cranking out a quick presentation with charts, graphs, timelines and bulleted copy. Here's a new product - an emerging technology - that does what we've used several products to do in the past. ClarisImpact does a variety of jobs, quickly."
"I really love ClarisImpact," said John Grabrick, advanced systems engineer in 3M Corp.'s Engineering Information Systems Division. "It consolidates the capabilities of several types of software and I can see it replacing many applications that our staff currently uses. Org charts, scheduling charts, overheads for presentations, and Gantt charts for visualizing projects can all be done with ClarisImpact. Its ease of use is a big plus."
ClarisImpact: Models and Styles -- an Artist in the Box
ClarisImpact brings a fresh and innovative approach to computer users who want business graphics in their reports and presentations, but are not graphic artists or even artistically inclined. Many users have relied on spreadsheets for data charts, or dedicated charting applications for organizational charts, flow charts or project timelines. Those applications do not allow for easy editing while in a report or presentation, or to easily add colors, gradients, shadows or a specific corporate style.
When the user cuts and pastes a graphic into a word processor or presentation application, all "intelligence" is lost. The data that created the graphic is no longer connected to the graphic, and resolution is sacrificed. Editing forces the user to return to the application where the graphic was created to change the data, and again cut and paste to either edit the graphic further, or communicate it in a report.
ClarisImpact includes seven automatic chart types, called Models, and includes Outlines, Tables, DataCharts, OrgCharts, FlowCharts or Network Diagrams, Timelines and Calendars. The Models are used and edited the same way throughout ClarisImpact's three document types: Drawing, Reports and Presentations.
Models create intelligent graphics. They retain all information on sizing and distribution, connections, style attributes and data source whether the user is in a drawing, report or presentation. Much like a word processor, edits are easily accomplished by clicking on the graphic wherever it is. Tight integration with full-featured word processing and presentation capabilities makes ClarisImpact an all-in-one solution to communicating with business graphics.
Seven professionally designed Style "families" are built-in to ClarisImpact specifically for non-artists and novices to easily create stunning graphics in their reports or presentations. Style families allow for a consistent and professional look between different graphics or documents. Users can easily add or design their own Styles to fit their needs, or a specific corporate criteria.
ClarisImpact ships with over 3,000 pieces of editable, object-based clip art in customizable drag-and-drop libraries that can be placed anywhere in a report or presentation to add more graphical power to communication.
The Claris Graphics Family
ClarisImpact for the Macintosh is the first release of the new Claris graphics product line. ClarisDraw for the Macintosh, the successor to MacDraw II and MacDraw Pro, is scheduled to ship first half of 1994, adding cross-platform capabilities, graphic intelligence and over 75 new features for the approximately 800,000 MacDraw users worldwide.
Windows versions of ClarisImpact and ClarisDraw are also due in 1994.
Pricing, Availability and System Requirements
ClarisImpact has a suggested retail price (SRP) of $399. Registered owners of MacDraw Pro can purchase ClarisImpact for Macintosh for $99. Users who purchased MacDraw Pro after June 1, 1993 may purchase ClarisImpact for a special price of $49. Registered owners of MacDraw II, ClarisWorks, or comparable competitive graphics applications can purchase ClarisImpact $149.
ClarisImpact is available through authorized Claris resellers. For more information, call (800) 544-8554.
System requirements for ClarisImpact for Macintosh include: Apple Macintosh Plus, Centris, Classic, LC, SE, Performa, PowerBook, II, or Quadra families with a hard disk drive and 2MB of memory for System 6.0.7 or later; 4MB for System 7.x. For more in-depth technical information, please refer to the ClarisImpact fact sheet.
Claris Corporation, a leading worldwide vendor of Windows and Macintosh applications for business, education and home, is a subsidiary of Apple Computer, Inc. with headquarters in Santa Clara, Calif.
š1993-1994 Claris Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Claris, ClarisWorks, MacDraw and MacWrite are registered trademarks of Claris Corporation. ClarisDraw and ClarisImpact are trademarks of Claris. All other product names are property of their respective owners.