This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
DISCUSSION Although ClarisDraw does not have the ability to add dimensioning to an object like most CAD programs it is possible to have the line dimensioning feature simulate object dimensioning. This feature is called Autosize Line. Combined with the Guideliner feature it is possible to easily dimension an object. Follow the steps below as an example of how to dimension one side of a rectangle. 1. Choose Guideliner from the Layout menu so that there is a check mark next to it. 2. Draw a rectangle. 3. Select the Line tool and notice that when you move your mouse near the edges of the rectangle that ClarisDraw automatically locates the edge of the object by drawing a guideline on screen. 4. Once you have located an edge then hold down the Shift key and the Mouse button and drag to the opposite edge of the rectangle until the guideline for the opposite edge appears and then let go of the Mouse button and the Shift key. 5. While the line is still selected, choose Autosize Line and Arrows at Both Ends from the Line Style Controls menu/palette. 6. If necessary, move the line away from the object so it appears more like an object dimension. |
Document Information | |
Product Area: | Apple Software |
Category: | Claris Software |
Sub Category: | Claris Draw |
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