Claris Organizer: Importing ClarisWorks data
Article ID:


    How do I import contact information from ClarisWorks into Claris Organizer?

    This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.


    The following steps will allow you to import your data from ClarisWorks into Claris Organizer.

    Step 1
    Open the database that you want to transfer to ClarisWorks.

    Step 2
    With the ClarisWorks database file on the screen, go to the File Menu and select "Save As...".

    Step 3
    With the "Save As" Dialog Box on the screen, click on the file format button (which reads "ClarisWorks" in its default mode) and select the "ASCII Text" option from the pop-up menu .

    Step 4
    Enter a file name for your new file. You may want to add the suffix ".TXT" to the end of the file name. This will help you identify the file. Then click on the Save Button.

    Note: You may want to save the file to the desktop. This will allow you to easily locate the file later on. You can save it easily on the desktop by clicking the desktop button in the dialog.

    Step 5
    Quit ClarisWorks and Launch your Claris Organizer database.

    Step 6
    Once you are in your Claris Organizer database select "Import..." from the file menu. It will now ask you for the file you wish to import. Select the ".TXT" file that you saved from ClarisWorks and open it.

    Step 7
    You can now match up you data with the Claris Organizer fields (refer to pages B-2 thru B-5 in the Claris Organizer manual). Your data will be on the right and your Claris Organizer fields will be on the left. Move the Claris Organizer fields onto the same line as the data that is supposed to go into it. See Figure 1

    Step 8
    Once all of the fields and data are aligned and you have the arrows between the fields that you wish to import. Click OK.

    Figure 1: Import Dialog Claris Organizer

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Claris Software
Sub Category: Claris Organizer

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