ClarisWorks: About Version 3.0v1 Macintosh, Read Me
Article ID:


    This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.


    Welcome to ClarisWorks 3.0!
    Thank you for choosing ClarisWorks 3.0. We're excited about this latest release of ClarisWorks and know that it will help you to be more productive and creative. This Read Me file documents some additional tips that may prove helpful when using ClarisWorks 3.0.

    New Features with ClarisWorks 3.0
    * Assistants
    ClarisWorks now includes eight Assistants you can use in working with documents for your home, school, or office. Assistants ask you questions and then produce a document or part of a document based on your answers. Assistants also guide you on the content of your document.

    Some Assistants create complete documents such as newsletters, presentations, name and address lists, envelopes, or calendars. To use an Assistant, choose New from the File menu and then click the Start With An Assistant Or Stationery button.

    Several Assistants (for making a table, typing a footnote, addressing an envelope, or finding and opening a ClarisWorks document) are available when you are working within a document. To see what task Assistants are available to you in your current work environment, choose ClarisWorks Assistants from the Help menu that you can find by pulling down the Apple menu on the far left of the Menu bar.

    * Cross-platform compatibility
    ClarisWorks 3.0 for Macintosh has the same file format and features as ClarisWorks 3.0 for Windows. It also opens files created in ClarisWorks for Windows versions 1.0 and converts them to version 3.0. You can create a ClarisWorks document on Windows and edit it on a Macintosh computer or vice versa. Consequently, if you work with both Macintosh and Windows versions of ClarisWorks, or if you collaborate with colleagues who use ClarisWorks 3.0 for Windows, you can work without translating files or learning a different program.

    Version 3.0 opens and saves files that are fully compatible with ClarisWorks versions 2.0 or 2.1, so you can use your existing 2.x files and/or share work with colleagues using version 2.x.

    When you use ClarisWorks 3.0 to open ClarisWorks 1.0 files, ClarisWorks displays a message and adds [v3.0] to the file name. To replace your ClarisWorks 1.0 files with ClarisWorks 3.0 versions, choose Save or Save As from the File menu, remove [v3.0] from the file name, and click Yes when ClarisWorks asks if you want to replace the existing file. If you are converting a number of files from the 1.0 to 3.0 file format, you can access the Preferences dialog from the Edit menu and turn off the Old Version Alert and/or the [v3.0] Suffix.

    Due to differences between Macintosh and Windows platforms, it is necessary to use a file transfer program such as PC Exchange, AccessPC, or a similar utility in order to transfer files via floppy disk. These utilities require that your Macintosh have a high density drive (FDHD SuperDrive). Follow the directions in the documentation of the file transfer utility program. After copying the files to or from a PC formatted disk, rename the files with DOS-compatible file names (8 characters or less) and include the .CWK extension.

    After renaming your files, copy them to your computer's hard drive, if desired, and open them as you would any ClarisWorks document.

    Fonts, margins, page breaks, and graphics may appear differently after being transferred from the Macintosh. You can minimize unintended consequences associated with font changes by using TrueType fonts on both platforms. Helvetica on the Macintosh converts well to Arial on Windows, and similarly Times converts well to Times New Roman. It may be necessary to change the margins and page breaks in order to restore the original page breaks. QuickTime movies will be converted to PICT images. In addition, some macros created on the Macintosh may not run as expected on Windows. In these cases, it is necessary to recreate your macros.

    * Word count
    To count the words in your document, choose Writing Tools from the Edit menu and then choose Word Count.

    * MacWrite Pro file filter
    A new MacWrite Pro file filter will allow translation of MacWrite Pro documents.

    Editing Documents Created with the ClarisWorks Assistants
    Some documents created using the ClarisWorks Assistants (or provided as Stationery files) contain objects that are locked or grouped to keep objects in position and prevent accidental edits. To move or edit the objects, unlock and/or ungroup them:
    1. Select the object while in Draw mode. Click the Arrow tool first if necessary.
    2. Choose Unlock (or Ungroup) from the Arrange menu. If an object is both locked and grouped, first unlock it and then ungroup it.

    To edit the text in an object, click the Text tool and then click on the text you want to edit.

    Adjusting ClarisWorks Memory
    You may want to increase the amount of memory set aside for ClarisWorks if you work with Paint documents, documents longer than ten pages, or if you want to have several large documents open at the same time. Increasing the memory allocation may also reduce the time it takes to print some documents.

    To increase the memory allocation for ClarisWorks:
    1. If ClarisWorks is open, quit the application.
    2. Open the folder that contains the ClarisWorks 3.0 application.
    3. Click the ClarisWorks application icon once. (If you click the icon twice, you'll start ClarisWorks. If that happens, choose Quit from the File menu and try again.)
    4. Choose Get Info from the File menu.
    5. Double-click the Preferred Size box.
    (If your ClarisWorks Info box does not have a Preferred Size box, double-click the Application Size or Current Size box instead.)
    6. Type a larger number to increase the memory size. If your computer has less than 4 Mb of memory, try setting the memory to 1450; if your machine has 4 Mb, try 1900; and if it has 5 Mb, or more, you may want to set it to 3072 or higher. If you are using a Power Macintosh computer, we suggest adding 2048 (or more) to the current setting.
    7. Close the ClarisWorks Info window.

    Running the Introduction to ClarisWorks
    If you attempt to run the "Introduction to ClarisWorks" file on a computer with a monitor set to Thousands or Millions of colors and you get the message, "Not enough memory to run MacroMind Player.", you have two choices. Reset your Monitors Control Panel to 256 colors, or increase the memory for the "Introduction to ClarisWorks" file using the instructions found above under "Adjusting ClarisWorks Memory".

    Printing on a LaserWriter IIg/IIf
    If the horizontal or vertical lines in your documents are not printing correctly, you can adjust your LaserWriter.
    1. Open the LaserWriter Utility application on the LaserWriter disk tools disk that came with your printer.
    2. Choose Set PhotoGrade from the Utilities Menu.
    3. Move the slider all the way to the left towards the More Levels of Gray option.
    4. Quit the LaserWriter Utility application.

    Claris and the ClarisWorks team want to thank you for your purchase of ClarisWorks 3.0. Your support enables us to continue working to bring you better solutions for your future productivity needs.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Claris Software
Sub Category: ClarisWorks
Keywords: kclaris

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.