How to Print Double Sided to StyleWriter Printers
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    This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.


    The following instructions will help you in printing any of the double sided options out of Claris Organizer to any printer in the StyleWriter family.

    The best way to perform a print test is to select or mark enough contacts, usually 20 -25, to cover two double sided pages. This will equal four pages in preview.

    Once you have selected or marked you contacts go to the File menu and select Print. Then double click on Address Book icon. On the next screen in the For pop-up menu select either Marked Contacts or Selected Contacts. Click on Edit button, to make the options window appear.

    In the options window select the Following:
    1) In the Book pop-up menu select 5.5 x 8.5 (Organizer 2/Page).
    2) In the Output pop-up menu select Double-Sided
    3) In the List By pop-up menu select Name & Company
    4) In the Fields pop-up menu Check put a check mark next to all the fields.
    5) Leave Font, Size, and Style at default.
    6) Put a Check Mark in Cut Holes, Last Name First, and Holes
    7) In the Holes pop-up menu select 6 holes.
    8) Click on the Save button

    Now click on Setup and change your page orientation to Landscape (The icon, that shows person on their side). Also make sure you have US Letter selected for you paper size.
    Click OK.
    Click Save.

    For this first test print job, you'll want to make sure the total number of pages is four. To do this click on the Preview button. If you have less then four pages or more then four pages. Go back to the Contact List and select or mark more or fewer Contacts. Then go back to preview and see how many pages you have. Once you have four pages, follow the printing instructions and diagram below for printing the address book. Then, reset the paper, and print the second side of the paper. (see Diagram below)

    When the StyleWriter prints, all of the pages are face-up, and page one is on the bottom. To print the back side of the pages in your address book. You must take the stack out of the output tray and flip it over length wise. This means you take the edge farthest away from the printer and put it at the top of the input tray (See Diagram below). Do not change the order of the paper. Page one should be at the top of the order and at the top of the input tray.

    Note: Claris Organizer 1.0v2 fixes the off setting issue when printing double sided from a StyleWriter family printer. This test done with Claris Organizer 1.0v2.

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