Configuring Apple Express Modems
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    This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.


    Some PowerBooks, AV Macs, and PowerMacs come with Express Modems built in.

    If you have an Express Modem, use the Express Modem tool rather than the Apple Modem tool to connect with services via Claris Emailer. To change modem tools, choose Services from the Setup menu, open a service, click the Configure button, and select Express Modem Tool from the Method popup menu. Then fill in the phone number.

    In general, you can leave all other settings on their defaults. However, if you are having problems connecting, try turning off the handshake XON/XOFF checkbox. Also make sure that you don't have the minimum connection speed set to a high value. This should be set to 2400 or lower. If you have it set to 14,400 and you connect at 9600, the connection will be terminated since it isn't 14,400 or more.

    Setting Data Features to Best Available is another thing to try when experiencing connection problems. This instructs the modem to negotiate the appropriate protocol based on the capabilities of modem it is connecting with.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Claris Software
Sub Category: Claris Emailer

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