How to Scale a Paint Object by Percentage
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    This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.


    A paint (bitmap) object that's pasted into a word processing, drawing or spreadsheet document cannot normally be scaled by percentage. If you select the object and move a handle, the object will crop rather than scale. However, if you use the Insert command to insert a PICT, TIFF or EPSF file, that graphic can be scaled by percent using these step:

    1. Paste the object into a blank drawing document. Choose Save As, and save the
    document as a PICT file.
    2. Go to the document you want to place the graphic into (a word processing, drawing or
    spreadsheet document).
    3. Select the arrow tool in the toolbar.
    4. Choose Insert from the File menu and insert the PICT file.
    5. Select the graphic.
    6. Choose Transform from the Arrange menu, and select Scale by Percent.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Claris Software
Sub Category: ClarisWorks
Keywords: kclaris

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