Word wrapping from Internet mail received on CompuServe address using Claris Emailer
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    This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.


    Q: When I receive E-mail through my CompuServe E-mail address, that comes off the internet (Not a CompuServe customer) The box in the lower corner of the mail says "Fixed Margins" I always do a select all and copy, then open a new ClarisWorks file and move the text. When I do this the first line goes across the page to the right margin, then wraps the next 3 or 4 words. It then goes to the next line and starts over, even though this is not a new sentence or paragraph. In order to get the letter in the proper paragraph format, I have to go to the beginning of a new line and do a delete, then ad a space. For 3 and 4 page letters this is time consuming.

    A: The reason this happens is that each line of the email ends in a carriage return, so when you paste it into ClarisWorks (or any other word processor), the carriage returns are also pasted in. Each line, however, is longer than what can fit in the word-processing document, so each line wraps also. One way of fixing this is to use a smaller font size in the WP document.

    Another way is to do strip out the carriage returns via find and replace. First set the find to look for two consecutive carriage returns, and set the replace as a combination that wouldn't be in the document normally (I use a double bullet--two option-8 characters in a row). Then Change All. Next, set find to one carriage return and replace to one space, and do another Change All. Finally, find the two bullets and change them back to two carriage returns, using find/change as before.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Claris Software
Sub Category: Claris Emailer

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