iMac: Erroneous Information in Third-Party iMac Ads
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    This article clarifies possible erroneous information appearing in some third-party iMac promotional materials.


    Advertisements for iMac are beginning to appear with greater frequency on web pages, catalogs, and in newspapers and magazines.

    Apple has noticed that some of these advertisements contain erroneous information about iMac. For example, some current ads indicate that iMac includes a 33.6K modem rather than the 56K modem that Apple has announced will ship with iMac. Other advertisements have listed additional or fewer third-party software titles than Apple has announced will ship with iMac.

    A complete listing of all of the Apple and third-party software titles and a complete listing of all of the features and specification for iMac are available on the iMac data sheet and on the Web at the following locations:

    " http://www.apple.com/imac/features.html "
    " http://www.apple.com/imac/specs.html "
    " http://www.apple.com/imac "

    Because of the long lead times common when printing advertising and direct-mail materials, it is quite possible that some of the materials being distributed by catalog resellers were produced before the feature set of iMac solidified.

    Resellers produce the advertisements and distributing the direct-mail catalogs are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in their advertisements and catalogs. Apple does not review these materials and is not responsible for their accuracy.

Document Information
Product Area: iMac
Category: iMac Hardware
Sub Category: General Topics

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.