Macintosh: Blinking Question Mark at Startup
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    This article describes why an iMac may display a flashing question mark when first powered on, then after a few seconds continue to start up normally.

    Note: This article also applies to Power Macintosh and PowerBook computers introduced after iMac such as the Power Mac G4, and PowerBook G4.


    This is normal behavior for the computer if a startup disk has not been selected in the Startup Disk control panel. The blinking question mark does not usually indicate an issue with the computer. Rather, it is displayed while the computer is looking for the System Folder to start up the computer.

    If your computer appears to function properly in all other respects, this issue is easly resolved by opening the Startup Disk control panel and selecting your internal hard disk as the startup disk. This directs the Mac OS ROM to the use the selected volume and system folder to start up the computer.

Document Information
Product Area: iMac
Category: iMac Hardware
Sub Category: Troubleshooting
Keywords: kimac kpmg3 kpbg3

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