Mac OS 8.5: International Internet Access Read Me
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    The following is the International Internet Access Read Me document.


    Internet Setup Assistant
    The Internet Setup Assistant can help you configure your computer to access the Internet through an Internet service provider (ISP) or through a network with an Internet connection.

    If you already have an account with an ISP or you are accessing through a network:

    1. Double-click the Internet Setup Assistant icon located in your Internet folder.
    2. Click Yes to the question "Would you like to set up your computer to use the Internet?"
    3. Click Yes to the question "Do you already have an Internet Account?"
    4. Enter the information from your ISP or network administrator.

    If you need to set up a new account with an ISP:

    1. Contact an ISP in your region. A list containing some of the available ISPs is below.
    2. Identify yourself as a Mac OS 8.5 customer.
    3. Double-click the Internet Setup Assistant icon located in your Internet folder.
    4. Click Yes to the question "Would you like to set up your computer to use the Internet?"
    5. Click No to the question "Do you already have an Internet Account?"
    6. Enter the information from the ISP. A summary of the information needed is below.

    ISP Information
    Ask the ISP for the following information to set up an Internet configuration. This information is also contained in the ISP Information Form located in the Internet Extras folder on the Mac OS 8.5 CD. You may want to fax this form directly to the ISP.

    ISP local phone number (also known as the local point of presence, or POP)
    account name (also known as login name or user id)
    account password
    DNS address (such as
    Domain name (such as isp.com) [optional]
    e-mail address (such as name@isp.com)
    e-mail password
    e-mail account (such as name@pop.isp.com)
    e-mail host computer (such as smtp.isp.com)
    newsgroup host computer (such as news.isp.com) [optional]

    Available ISPs
    The following is a partial list of ISPs with Mac OS experience. Although many ISPs provide their own software for Internet access, Apple recommends that you use the Internet software included with Mac OS 8.5. Inclusion of an ISP on this list does not imply endorsement by Apple Computer, Inc. or its subsidiaries.
    Colombia Openway (571) 629 0811
    Latinonet (571) 312 2682
    Internet de Colombia (571) 635 3088
    Colomsat (571) 312 7288
    Costa Rica Inter@merica (506) 256-5811
    Info@merica (506) 257-7828
    Radiografica Costarricense S.A. (RACSA) (506) 287-0087
    Ecuador Access Internet 593 2 674116
    Indonesia Meganet (62) 21-521-2928
    Malaysia TMnet (60) 3-733-1515
    JARING (60) 3-966-5000
    Mexico Compuserve (5) 629-8199
    INFOSEL (5) 726-0070
    Internet Directo (5) 241-2222 ó sin costo 91-800-77634
    Mexico en red (5) 639-3060
    MPSNet (5) 639-6075
    Peru RCP (511) 241-0308
    Philippines Mozcom (63) 810-1760
    Puerto Rico Datacom Caribe (787) 753-1771
    Caribban Internet (787) 728-0905
    Ice Networks (787) 764-1234
    Thailand Loxinfo (662) 679-7890 ext.444

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS 8.5
Sub Category: Networking & Internet
Keywords: kmos85

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.