Mac OS: Alternating Flashing ? and Icon Inside Folder at Startup Time
Article ID:


    Troubleshooting your computer when it displays a flashing question mark and folder at startup time.


    The computer turns on, but instead of starting up normally, it displays a folder that has an alternating flashing question mark and the Mac OS logo inside.

    Affected Products
    Computers that use the ROM-in-RAM architecture such as iBook, iMac, PowerBook G3 Series (Bronze keyboard), PowerBook (FireWire), Power Macintosh G3 (Blue and White) and Power Mac G4 computers.

    Root Cause
    The system software is unable to find a startup disk (either locally or on a network volume) that contains a valid Mac OS ROM file. Either the ROM file has become damaged, is missing completely, or has been moved from the System Folder.

      1. Start the computer from the Mac OS disc that came with the computer.
      2. Select a disk in the Startup Disk control panel.
      3. Restart the computer.

    If the computer continues to display a folder with an alternating flashing question mark and the Mac OS logo inside, restart the computer again, and reset the PRAM. For information on how to reset PRAM and NVRAM, refer to Knowledge Base article:

    Article 2238: " Macintosh: How to Reset PRAM and NVRAM. "

    If resetting the PRAM does not solve the issue, start up again from the Mac OS disc that came with your computer, and reinstall the system software.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: General OS
Sub Category: General Topics

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