AirPort Base Station: Internet Application Timeout Error Discussion
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    I use an AirPort Base Station to establish a PPP connection to my Internet service provider (ISP) to view Web pages and check e-mail. The first time I attempt a connection each day I receive an error message from my Web browser. After I cancel the error message and retry the Web page, it loads fine. Why is this?


    When you first open an application that requires a connection to the Internet, your AirPort Base Station will start the connection process with your ISP by dialing the modem in the base station. The time it takes to make the connection is dependent upon the condition of your telephone line and the which ISP you are connecting to.

    In certain cases you may notice that your first request for information is not successful resulting in the an error message from your Web browser indicating that a connection error occurred. This error appears because your Web browser tried to get information from the Internet before the AirPort Base Station finished the process of connecting to your ISP.

    Wait until the AirPort Base Station has completed the process (right LED light has stopped blinking red or the AirPort application indicates that the base station is connected) and try to load another Web page.

    The AirPort Base Station will stay connected to your ISP even though you may not be accessing the Internet. The default "Disconnect if Idle" setting is 600 seconds (10 minutes). This value can be changed using the AirPort Utility, however the default value is optimal for most situations.

    Note: To verify the Base Station has made a connection to your ISP, look at the Status field within the AirPort application. It should say Connected or Active to indicate you are connected to your ISP. If you see a Connect button, as shown in Figure 1, click it to establish a connection.

    Figure 1 AirPort Application window

    Note: Wireless internet access requires AirPort Card, AirPort Base Station, and Internet Access (fees may apply). Some ISPs are not currently compatible with AirPort, including America Online. Range may vary with site conditions.

Document Information
Product Area: AirPort
Category: AirPort Base Station
Sub Category: Troubleshooting

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