AppleShare IP 6.1: Read Me
Article ID:


    This article comprises the Read Me for AppleShare IP 6.1. The contents include:

    Installation and Documentation
    Requirements for Running AppleShare IP 6.1
    Notes About AppleShare IP 6.1

    Article 58287: AppleShare IP Web & File 6.1.1 Update Read Me contains additional information which may be useful.

    On May 24, 1999, Apple introduced its integrated file, print, web and mail server software suite, AppleShare IP 6.2. On
    the same day, Apple introduced an upgrade program for certain customers using earlier versions of AppleShare IP. To find out about the Upgrade Program please go the the AppleShare IP web site at: http://www.apple.com/appleshareip/



    AppleShare IP 6.1 is the follow-on release to AppleShare IP 6.0 and builds on the existing AppleShare IP product by continuing to provide the complete suite of LAN and Internet services, including Web, File, Mail and Print services. New features for version 6.1 include support for Mac OS 8.5, Web-based remote administration, TCP Filtering, secure printing, multi-domain support in the Web Server, shared IMAP folders, and general performance enhancements and improvements. AppleShare IP continues to be fully compatible with Macintosh and Windows clients. AppleShare IP retains its traditional ease of use with a single administration console, making it simple to manage AppleShare users, groups, passwords and security.

    Installation and Documentation

    Complete installation instructions are contained in the Getting Started manual. Additional help can also be found in the AppleShare Client 3.8 User's Manual, and in the AppleShare IP Help and Remote Help, all of which are included with your AppleShare IP 6.1 software.

    Requirements for Running AppleShare IP 6.1

    Power Macintosh computers running AppleShare IP 6.1 Server

    • CPU: Any Apple Power Macintosh computer or Macintosh Server with a PowerPC(TM) G3, 604e, 604, 603e 6500 series, or 601 microprocessor.
    • RAM: 48 MB of memory with virtual memory turned on; 64 MB with virtual memory turned off. More memory may be needed if you are using one or more web server plug-ins.
    • System Software: Mac OS 8.5 is recommended and is provided as part of your AppleShare IP Server software. TCP Filter software requires Mac OS 8.5; all other features require Mac OS 8.1 or later.
    • Ethernet drivers: Apple Enet 2.0.1 is required, and is installed by the AppleShare IP installer. If you install on Mac OS 8.1, note that the older extension, called "Ethernet (Built-In)" is not removed.

    Macintosh computers running AppleShare Client 3.8.1
    • System Software: Mac OS 8.5 is recommended. The minimum requirement is Mac OS 7.6 or later with Open Transport 1.1.2 or later.
    • AppleShare Client 3.5 or later is required for connecting to an AppleShare IP 6 server. However, Apple strongly recommends that you upgrade your client Macintosh computers to Mac OS 8.1 or later and AppleShare Client 3.8 or later.


    Telephone Support

    In the United States, if you have questions about AppleShare IP 6.1 that are not answered by the Getting Started manual or AppleShare IP Help or Remote Help, call the Apple Assistance Center at 1-800-APL-CARE (1-800-275-2273) during telephone support hours (Monday through Friday, 6 am to 6 pm Pacific time). When prompted, enter the support access number provided on the back of your Apple Support Card and follow the instructions.

    If you are located outside of the United States, refer to the support information that came with your AppleShare IP 6.1 software for instructions.

    Web Sites

    If you have an Internet connection, check the Apple Support Web site at http://www.apple.com/support and the AppleShare IP Web site at http://www.apple.com/appleshareip for tips, solutions to problems, or any patches that may become available after the release of the software.

    AppleShare IP Mailing List

    To receive information about software updates, you are cordially invited to join the AppleShare IP mailing list. By joining the mailing list, you will also have the opportunity to share your experiences, questions, and comments with others using the software. Apple employees monitor the list, but Apple does not guarantee that any questions directed to this list will be answered. For more information about joining the mailing list, see the AppleShare IP Web site at http://www.apple.com/appleshareip , and look for the heading "Feedback".

    Notes About AppleShare IP 6.1
    • If a computer that is running AppleShare IP crashes, check your hard disks by running Disk First Aid before you start any service again. Disk First Aid is located in the Utilities folder on your Mac OS CD ROM disc. If you are running Mac OS 8.5, the system will check only the startup disk automatically, so you should still check any other disks with Disk First Aid.


    * The AppleShare IP Installer will sometimes miscalculate the amount of space available on extremely large volumes. If, during the installation process, you receive a warning that there is not enough space to install AppleShare IP, try temporarily backing up and removing some items from the disk onto which you are trying to install (or install on a smaller drive partition, if available), and then begin the installation process again.

    * If you are doing a custom installation, the installer will still install the Web & File extension, though it will not run. This extension is required for you to be able to edit Users and Groups.

    * Although TCP Filter software requires Mac OS 8.5, as stated above, the Installer will install it on Mac OS 8.1-based computers. If you attempt to run the software under Mac OS 8.1, it will display an error and quit.

    • The AppleShare IP Registry will convert your Users & Groups file to run with AppleShare IP 6.1 the first time you reboot with AppleShare IP installed. Since this file will no longer work with Personal File Sharing after the conversion, a copy of the original file is placed in your Preferences folder. The file is named Users & Groups Data File Backup. The copy of the original file may be used if you decide to restore your machine to Personal File Sharing after performing a "custom remove" of AppleShare IP 6.1.
    • If you upgrade from one language of the server to another (for example, if you participated in the AppleShare IP seed program and tested the US version of the software, but you've upgraded to another version in your local language), you will lose your Users & Groups information if you upgrade. To preserve your setup, rename the file "Users & Groups Data File" to the appropriate name for your country, and restart your server before upgrading.

    Web & File Server
    • Sherlock is compatible with the AppleShare IP File Server, provided you ensure your server and clients are set up similarly. First, Sherlock indices must be created on the server, not on the client (this also saves time since the index only needs to be built once). Also, since Sherlock works with disks, you must share entire disks so that Sherlock on the client machines will recognize the indices created by the server. Because Sherlock uses dates and times to maintain its indices, the client and server times and time zones must be the same. Finally, because Sherlock is language aware, you must use the same localized system or language kit for Mac OS on the server to create an index as you use on the clients which use that index. Similarly, if either the server or the client has "Multilingual Internet Access" installed, the other should also have it installed, and if either the server or the client has the Japanese plug-in tokenizer installed, the other should also have it installed.
    • If you receive a message stating that error -30523 has occured in a Sherlock client, verify that you do not get the same message on the server machine itself. If you do, then delete and rebuild the index on the server. If you do not, and the client and server are using the same localized version of Mac OS, then there may be a problem with some of the disk dates. You may be able to fix this problem by backing up your data, erasing the disk using the "Erase Disk" command from the Special Menu in the Finder, and restoring your data.
    • The AppleShare IP 6.1 Web & File Server will automatically adjust the configuration of the server according to the amount of memory available. When 12MB or less of memory is available to the AppleShare IP Web & File Server, the server will configure itself in standard mode, similar to AppleShare IP 5.x. When there is more than 12MB of additional free memory available at the time the server launches, the AppleShare IP Web & File Server configures itself in high performance mode, at the cost of an extra 3MB of memory. High performance mode provides greater performance and scalability through an increased number of internal buffers, larger buffer sizes, a maximum concurrent connection limit for file services of 500, and a maximum concurrent connection limit for web server requests of 150.
    • AppleShare IP 6.1 may not behave correctly when used with Retrospect 4.1. Specifically, the server may not shut down or disconnect users when requested to do so by Retrospect. It is possible to avoid this problem by scripting your backups with AppleScript.
    • The Adobe Acrobat(TM) Installer cannot be used while the Web & File Server is running. Be sure to install Adobe Acrobat before you start the Web & File Server.
    • Do not launch the Web & File Server with AppleTalk turned off; various pieces of AppleShare IP require AppleTalk to be turned on, and the software may not work correctly if AppleTalk is turned off.
    • AppleShare IP 6.1 is not compatible with ARA Multiport Server software. You should not run them on the same computer.
    • Under some circumstances you may not be able to install PC applications from Windows File Sharing Server. To perform net installations of applications that are partitioned on multiple floppy disks, create a folder 'X' and copy each disk as a separate subfolder. Then make the parent folder 'X' a share point. From the client, connect to the share point and perform the installation.
    • If you decide to host multiple web sites using the Multi Domain Plugin, be sure to examine the "Plug-In Messages" file after you've started the web server. If the Multi Domain Plugin encountered any errors while reading your "Multi Domain Settings" file, it will write error information to the "Plug-In Messages" file.
    • Because of a driver problem, it is not possible to share PC-format ZIP(TM) disks. Mac OS format ZIP(TM) disks can be shared without problems.
    • If you're using Windows File sharing, you may wish to increase the number of times your users can enter an invalid password before having their access revoked, because some Windows clients will resubmit invalid passwords several times to the server on the user's behalf (after which they give up), causing the count of the number of attempts to be artificially inflated. Alternatively, have your users use the same password on AppleShare as they do for other Windows services in your network.
    • A known issue on Microsoft Windows 98 does not report a volume's total free space correctly. A share point for a volume that is 2GB or greater will show that 1.99GB free space and 0 user space. This is a cosmetic issue and should not affect the ability of Windows clients to use the share point.
    • The AppleShare IP specification for "Total Share Points allowed" is 150, which includes both share points and mounted volumes.
    • The AppleShare IP Web & File server may hang with virus protection installed. If you experience such problems, try removing or disabling your virus protection software.

    AppleShare Client 3.8.1
    • If you are running Mac OS 8.5, the AppleShare client, and have virus protection installed (such as NAI's Virex 5.9 or Norton Anti-Virus 5.0), you may experience system hangs on client machines when connecting to an AppleShare server. If you experience such problems, try removing or disabling your virus protection software.
    • For additional items, please refer to the AppleShare Client Read Me.

    Mail Server
    • There is a problem with Netscape Communicator 4.5 and AppleShare IP 6.1 IMAP support. Although the AppleShare IP 6.1 Mail Server supports nested IMAP folders, Communicator will not properly display these nested folders. The folders are still present and all mail in them is still intact -- the nested folder simply fails to appear in Communicator's mailbox browser. If your AppleShare IP mail account contains nested folders, you will not be able to access them with Netscape Communicator 4.5. At this time Apple recommends the use of other IMAP clients for access to nested folders. The AppleShare IP 6.1 Mail Server is fully compatible with a number of other IMAP clients that offer full support for nested folders, including Nestscape Communicator 4.04.
    • The AppleShare IP 6.1 Mail Server can not use previous versions of AppleShare IP 5.0.x mail Databases. If you have critical mail that you do not want to lose, you must download those messages from the AppleShare IP 5.0.x Mail Server before running AppleShare IP 6.1. Or if downloading mail is not an Option, the AppleShare IP Mail Tool 6.1 can convert 5.0.x Mail Databases to AppleShare IP 6.1 Databases.
    • It is not necessary to update the AppleShare IP 6.0 Mail Databases to 6.1 Mail Databases with the AppleShare IP Mail Tool, as this will be done automatically when launching the AppleShare IP Mail Server 6.1. The AppleShare IP Mail Database 6.0 and 6.1 are interchangeable with the AppleShare IP Mail Server 6.0 and 6.1.

    Web-based Remote Admin
    • To use Internet Explorer as your Web browser, please set the Java preferences to use the "Apple MRJ" setting. Confirm that your computer is running Macintosh Runtime Java (MRJ) 2.0 or later by checking the version of the MRJLib contained in the MRJ Libraries subfolder of your Extensions folder. This release is incompatible with Internet Explorer when configured to use the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine.
    • When attempting to log on multiple times to Remote Admin in the same Internet Explorer session, you should use the Log on link available on the Log out page or select the Refresh button in the browser to receive a fresh Log on page.
    • Do not use the "Never" option in the Netscape Browser's Advanced Cache settings when running with Remote Admin. This option suppresses the browsers requests to get fresh pages and thus will result in out of date information being displayed.
    • Web-based Remote Admin will not work properly if the "Remote Admin" folder inside your Default Web Folder is moved or renamed. Do not move, rename or delete the "Remote Admin" folder or its contents unless you are configuring your Web Server for multiple domains.
    • If you have configured your Web Server to support multiple domains then you must move the Remote Admin folder from the Default Web Folder specified in the Web Settings panel to the "web folder" specified in the first entry of your Multi Domain Settings file. In order to access Remote Admin from the new location, you must use the host name or IP address specified in the first entry in your Multi Domain Settings file when entering the Remote Admin URL.
    • When using Remote Admin with European keyboards on non-localized Mac OS systems, you must specify the appropriate settings for your keyboard in the Web browser. For Internet Explorer, check the Language/Fonts settings in your Internet Explorer Preferences. For the Netscape Browser, check the Encoding settings.
    • When trying to access Remote Admin on a heavily loaded server, you may receive the "504 Gateway Timeout" message in your Web browser. Use the Web & File Admin application to set the Current User Activity to less than the maximum value to allow more processing time for the Remote Admin server application.
    • For this release of Web-based Remote Admin, administrators may only log on with 7 bit character passwords and may only set user passwords in this range. The 7 bit character range is the standard ASCII character set including the control characters, alphanumerics, and standard keyboard characters. You can continue to use Web & File Admin to set 8 bit passwords but administrators will not be able to use these passwords for log on to Remote Admin.
    • Do not refresh or reload a page within Remote Admin. You will have to log on again.
    • A limitation in Netscape Java does not allow the 'caps lock' key to be recognized. A Remote Admin user should use the 'shift' key when entering upper case letters in a password.

    Print Server
    • To use the AppleShare IP 6.1 Print Server's password security for print queues, the print client must have the LaserWriter 8.6.1 driver installed. This version of the LaserWriter driver is not yet available. Please check our website (www.apple.com/appleshareip) for updates regarding its availability.
    • When creating or renaming print queues from Remote Admin, the AppleShare IP Print Admin application will not see the new queue names until the next time it is launched.
    • It is recommended that a queue only contain printers of the same model and type. Also, printer features present in the first printer attached, but not present in subsequent printers, may cause print errors when jobs are printed to one of the subsequent printers.
    • The "Allow binary data" and "Allow color printing" options are only used with AppleTalk print queues.
    • Some LPR clients do not support queue names that include spaces. Therefore, the AppleShare IP Print Server will also recognize the name up to the first space. For example, if the print queue name is 'Accounting Department', the queue name 'Accounting' can be used by an LPR client to print to the same queue.
    • Windows NT printer drivers are not compatible with the secure printing feature for print queuing. Do not enable security on a print queue if Windows NT clients use it.
    • With secure printing activated, a Postscript file copied or sent from one client to another for printing may not work.

    • If you are experiencing any problem while printing the PDF documents that are included on the AppleShare IP 6.1 CD, increase the memory allocated to Adobe Acrobat(TM) application by 2MB.
    • The AppleShare IP Help is html-based and uses Apple Browser Launcher to open the files within your default Web browser. Please note this browser launcher may fail to launch the Help system if you change the name of the AppleShare IP 6.1 folder at the root level of the hard disk or place the AppleShare IP 6.1 folder inside another folder. The alias for the AppleShare IP Help inside the AppleShare IP 6.1 folder will still work.
    • The AppleShare IP Remote Help incorrectly states that you can remove a printer assignment from a queued job using Remote Admin. You must use the AppleShare IP Print Admin to perform this function; it is unavailable remotely.
    • The 'AppleShare IP Help Launcher' brings up a dialog saying "Please wait a moment" with two lines of special characters. This is not in error. The Help Launcher works correctly.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Communications-Networking
Category: AppleShare
Sub Category: AppleShare for Mac OS
Keywords: kaswu, kasip

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.