This article describes how edit computer entries in NetInfo for using the NetworkManager application.
DISCUSSION If you are unfamiliar with NetInfo domains, please see the following article: Article 30832 " Mac OS X Server: Basic Introduction To NetInfo Domains ." The NetworkManager application ( /System/Administration/ ) is used to configure computers, users and groups in a NetInfo environment. It allows the System Administrator (root) to make changes network wide, or to a specific domain. This is in contrast to other UNIX-based systems where users have to be added to each computer. Note : Changes made with the NetworkManager application require the System Administrator's (root) password for the domain being configured. This may be for the local domain (an individual computer), or it may be the root domain (the entire network of computers). Do not try to make changes to domains you do not have access to. Selecting The Correct Domain NetworkManager allows you to make modifications network wide, so you must select the domain you want to change. If the computer is not part of a NetInfo network then the local domain is the only one available to edit. If the computer is part of a NetInfo network then any domain you have permission to edit may be selected. Select a domain to edit by typing its name in the field titled "Domain:" at the top of the frontmost NetworkManager window. To see a list of the domains available for editing, click the disclosure triangle to the left of the Domain field. Click on a domain name in the list to select it, or type its name in the Domain field. Once the domain you wish to edit appears in the "Domain" field, you may add or edit computers to NetInfo using the NetworkManager application. Before we begin, a quick word on button conventions: if a button has a star it is for a new item, a button that has a pencil is for editing an item, buttons that have the international symbol for "no" are used to delete an item, and buttons that have a pencil and outline are to edit default profiles. Finally, buttons that have one face are for users, and buttons that have two faces are for groups. Why Add Computers In NetworkManager? NetworkManager is one way of adding information to a NetInfo database. Using NetworkManager it is possible to add computers to a network domain or to a local domain. If a computer is added to a network domain, it becomes part of that domain and have access to network resources. If a computer is added to a local domain, it only has access to the resources of the computer running the local domain. Adding computers to a local domain is similar to adding entries to a computer's host file. Computers are added to a NetInfo database so that the computer can access the shared information stored in the database. Adding computers in NetworkManager Adding computers to NetInfo is very easy with NetworkManager. Once you have selected the domain you wish to edit, click the "Computers" button on the left-hand side of the window to begin. As in the "Users" pane, there are buttons across the bottom of the window that allow you to create, edit, and delete computers from the NetInfo database. To add a computer, click the button that has a computer and star on it. The first three fields must be completed, and must be unique to the network. Note : This article covers filling out the first three fields, but not the other fields available in this window. The computer name and IP address are ways that the computer will be identified on the network. These are used by a variety of different protocols and applications. The hardware Ethernet address it is built into the computer. You can find out the computer's Ethernet address by opening the Preferences application (System/Applications/ and then opening the Network option. Once the Network option is open, click on the "Connections" tab and choose "Hardware Info" from the pop-up menu. Click on the Ethernet interface you want to use, and its hardware Ethernet address will appear on the right. Once the Ethernet address is known it can be entered into the correct field in the NetworkManager application. Important! The hardware Ethernet address is displayed with leading zeros in the Preferences application, for example: 00:08:05:bf:05:09. In order for NetInfo to correctly recognize the computer, you must enter the address without leading zeros in the NetworkManager application, for example: 0:8:5:bf:5:9. The hardware Ethernet address is used by bootp to assign an IP address to the computer at boot, or to allow the computer to network boot from the server. Removing Computers In NetworkManager If a computer is no longer on the network it can be removed by selecting its name from the list of computers and clicking the Delete Computer button. You cannot undo the deletion of a computer. Changing Computers In NetworkManager Sometimes a user gets a new computer, or gets tired of a host name. The Edit Computer button is a simple and fast way to update computers in NetInfo. If a user has a new computer, but wants to keep the other information the same, the only entry that needs to be updated is the new computer's hardware Ethernet address. The host name can also be changed by simply entering a new one. |
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Product Area: | Mac OS System Software |
Category: | Mac OS X Server |
Sub Category: | General Topics |
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