Robust core operating system
Kernel based on Mach 2.5 and BSD 4.4
Provides an incredibly stable and scalable operating system based on open standards.
Makes it easy to port applications from UNIX operating systems.
Protected memory
Helps prevent system crashes.
Preemptive multitasking
Prevents a single service from monopolizing the computer.
Native support for 100% Pure Java (JDK 1.1.6)
Runs any of the multitude of conformant Pure Java applications and applets.
Integrates the Java runtime code with the native object model and threads for impressive performance and stability.
Industry-leading Web server
Certified implementation of Apache 1.3.4
Brings the world's most popular web server to the Macintosh platform.
Allows you to easily share Apache configuration files with or migrate them from other platforms.
Supports easy updating to future releases from the Apache Group.
Optimized for Apache performance
Delivers performance outstripping any other Web server in its class.
Single-button setup
Gets your Web server up and running in minutes.
Powerful application server
WebObjects 4.0.1 software
Provides the most flexible and scalable server for deploying network applications that can connect to multiple databases and generate HTML and Java user interfaces for a standard Web browser.
Provides proven technology that has made WebObjects the most popular application server for the Internet and intranets, running some of the Web's most popular sites
Lets you leverage hundreds of existing third-party WebObjects solutions previously developed for use on UNIX or Windows NT systems.
50-transaction-per-minute license
Allows you to evaluate WebObjects applications or deploy them in medium-size workgroups.
Full suite of WebObjects development tools
Enables you to create your own WebObjects applications.
Enables you to assemble prebuilt components to create powerful reporting and electronic-commerce solutions.
Includes the WebObjects Direct-to-Web feature to quickly enable access to SQL databases in a Web page
Simple Macintosh workgroup management
Apple's new NetBoot technology
Enables you to configure and update systems on all your NetBoot-capable Macintosh computers by simply updating the NetBoot server once.
Stores a single, consistent System Folder and application folders for all clients on a NetBoot server.
Macintosh Management server software
Enables individual users to securely access their system and applications, documents, and personal desktops from any NetBoot or non-NetBoot client.
Lets you control access to your network by providing authentication services and system policy control.
NetBoot Desktop Admin software
Lets you administer the system and application resources used by NetBoot client computers from any NetBoot client.
Allows you to manage all the Macintosh systems on your network as though they were a single computer.
Scalable file services
File services comparable to those in AppleShare IP
Lets any AppleShare client access files over either TCP/IP or AppleTalk.
Support for more than 4,000 open files per process and 1,000 simultaneous connections
Enables you to provide file services to a large workgroup from a single Macintosh server.
Ability to share user and group information among different Mac OS X Server systems
Streamlines the updating of multiple servers.
Support for adding multiple users at one time from AppleShare IP servers
Speeds server configuration.
Makes it easy to add a Mac OS X Server-based system to an existing AppleShare network.
Ability to export the Apache documents directory to AppleShare clients
Allows you to drag and drop files onto the Apache server from any Macintosh client.
Web-based Remote Administration tool
Provides easy-to-use file server management that you can access from any Java-capable Web browser.