Mac OS: How to Move the Control Strip
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    This article explains how to change the position of the Control Strip.


    To move the Control Strip:
      1. Press and hold down the Option key.
      2. Drag the tab at the end of the Control Strip. If you drag it more than halfway across the display, the Control Strip moves to the other edge. If you have more than one display, you can drag the Control Strip to the left or right edge of the other display as well. The Control Strip always stays on the left or right edge of your display.

    Changing the display's resolution from a smaller setting to a larger one and restarting the computer moves the Control Strip higher up on the display.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: General OS
Sub Category: General Topics
Keywords: kmos80, kmos81, kmos85, kmos86, kmos90, kmos91

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