Final Cut Pro 1.0: Capturing Video
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    This article describes how to capture video with Final Cut Pro with device control, in batches, and without device control.


    You can capture video from an external source (videotape deck or camcorder) using Final Cut Pro to control the video device.

    Using the program's device controls, you can mark In and Out points for clips and store them as offline clips in a bin.

    If your video device is not one of the types recognized by the program, you can capture video without using the program's device control.

    Capturing video with device control

    Final Cut Pro's device control is compatible with several protocols, including Apple FireWire and the Sony and Panasonic versions of RS-232 and RS-422.

    Controlling the video deck (or other external device) with Final Cut Pro gives you the ability to mark In and Out points for clips and record the edit points in a log. You can then capture the logged clips all at once as a batch.

    To capture a clip with device control:
    1. Make sure your video deck is properly connected and set to its remote setting.
    2. Choose Log and Capture from the File menu.
    3. Use the transport controls in the Log and Capture window to control your source deck and find the footage you want to capture.

      A - Shuttle Control: Drag to the right or left changes the speed of fast forward or rewind.
      B - Rewind
      C - Play In to Out
      D - Stop
      E - Play
      FvPlay Around Current
      G - Fast Forward
      H - Jog control: Drag to move frame by frame
    4. Do one of the following to mark a clip:
    • Click the Mark In and Mark Out buttons. You can mark points this way when the tape is playing or stopped.
    • Enter specific timecodes (In and Out) in the timecode fields at the bottom of the window.
    5. Click Clip to capture the marked clip.
    6. Type a name for the reel (the tape or other video source). Click the Slate button to have the program add a numeric reel name.
    7. Name the clip in the Label box, or select Prompt if you want to name each clip as you log it (useful if you use keyboard shortcuts during logging).
    8. Save the clip by dragging it from the clip window to a bin in the Browser, or choosing Save As from the File menu.

    If you have trouble capturing a clip:
    Check the deck status message (in brackets, between the timecodes) in the Log and Capture window.

    Batch capturing clips

    You can batch capture clips from these sources:
    • clips you've logged with Final Cut Pro
    • clips in a text log you've imported from another program or another Final Cut Pro project
    • clips from an imported edit decision list (EDL) file

    To batch capture clips:
      1. Before you begin capturing, choose Preferences from the Edit menu, check the Capture preferences and Scratch Disk preferences, and adjust any settings you want to change. These settings can't be changed once you open the Batch Capture dialog box.
      2. Select the clips to capture by doing one of the following:
      • To capture clips you've just logged, click Batch Capture in the Capture window. This captures clips in the selected logging bin.
      • To capture all offline clips (those not on your hard disk) in a project, make sure nothing is selected, then open the File menu and choose Batch Capture.
      • To capture a selection of clips in a project, select the clips in the Browser, then open the File menu and choose Batch Capture. (You can select both offline clips and online clips.)
      3. Open the Capture pop-up menu and choose the option you want. (The options vary depending on the items in your batch.)
      4. Turn on Coalesce Clips to save disk space by combining in one file overlapping clips and clips within 2 seconds of each other on the source reel.
      5. Set a time interval for the handle size of offline clips (if appropriate), then click OK. (Handles add extra media beyond the In and Out points of a captured clip.)
      6. Open the Capture Settings pop-up menu and choose the capture preset you want.
      7. Turn off Use Clip Settings if you want to capture all clips using the current signal calibration settings (and bypass clip settings that are currently saved with each clip). If you leave this option on, Final Cut Pro will capture clips using the individual clip settings you specified when you logged each clip. Note:The Disk Space calculations are based on the data rate settings specified in the current Capture preset.
      8. Click OK. To stop batch capture, press Escape or click the mouse button. If you stop batch capture, Final Cut Pro marks as "aborted" in the Digitize column of the Browser all clips that were not captured. You can use the Batch Capture command to automatically redigitize all clips not captured previously, by choosing the "aborted clips" option from the Capture pop-up menu.

    Capturing video without device control

    If you don't have a video device that your computer can control, you can capture video by using controls on the video deck (or other external device). The captured video opens in the Viewer as an untitled, unsaved clip.

    To capture a clip without device control:
      1. Make sure your video deck is properly connected.
      2. Choose Log and Capture from the File menu.
      3. Use the deck's controls to find the footage you want to capture, rewind a few seconds, then press the play button on the deck.
      4. Click the Now button at the bottom of the Log and Capture window a few seconds before the tape reaches the first frame of the clip you want to capture.
      5. To stop recording, press the Escape key. The captured clip appears in the Viewer.
      6. Play the clip to make sure it contains the video you want, then save it by dragging the clip to the Browser or choosing Save As from the File menu. Some video capture hardware won't let you play the clip while the Log and Capture window is open.

    Tip : You can manually enter logging information for clips captured without device control before you capture them.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Final Cut Pro
Sub Category: General Topics

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