Final Cut Pro 1.0: Editing to Tape
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Editing to tape allows you to output material on tape using device control. You must have a controllable device to use Edit to Tape. (If you don't, you can use Print to Video).
The Edit to Tape window replaces and works like the Canvas.
To begin editing to tape:
1. Set up device control.
2. Choose Edit to Tape from the Tools menu.
Special features of Edit to Tape include:
Mastering pop-up menu: to output the finished sequence; you use the Editing option to replace a section or correct part of a sequence. In Mastering mode, you can only set an In point; the Out point is determined by the length of the media. In Editing mode, you can set In and Out points and use three-point editing.
Mastering Settings tab: options are added to the beginning or end of the sequence. These include
Leader: add color bars, 1 kilohertz (kHz) tone, black, slate, and a 10-second countdown before the beginning of the sequence or clip. The tone has the same duration as the color bars.
Slate Source: can be the sequence or clip name, a file on disk, or custom text
Media: lets you print the entire sequence or clip, or only the marked portion. You can also loop the sequence or clip and insert black at the end of each loop.
Trailer: adds a black trailer of a specified duration at the end of the printed sequence or clip after the last looped sequence or clip
Duration Calculator: helps you determine the total duration of the media you've selected to print plus all options you've specified
Black and Code button: erases the tape and lays down a clean black signal and control and timecode track (recommended before recording)
Edit buttons include
Insert: overwrites media on the tape with the item you drag, using three-point editing rules. An insert edit won't disturb the control track or timecode track.
Assemble: overwrites media on the tape, including the control and timecode tracks; this may cause a glitch at the beginning and end of the material being recorded.
Preview: simulates the edit without actually recording.
: To see the correct output, you must view the direct output of the tape deck, by, for example, connecting the deck to an NTSC monitor.
Target track controls: determine which tracks from the source media are recorded on tape.
If you can't set an In point when editing to tape:
If you are using a new tape, you must Black and Code the tape to format it with timecode. Rewind the tape to the beginning and Black and Code the tape for a minimum of 30 seconds.
If you are using a tape with existing edits but have blank sections between the edits, you need to begin the edit on a part of the tape with timecode, or you must Black and Code the blank section of the tape.
For additional information, see "Editing to Tape" in Chapter 14 of the "Final Cut Pro User's Manual."