Final Cut Pro: EDL Access For RT-11 Formatted Disks
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    Does Final Cut Pro support copying of Edit Decision List (EDL) files between the Macintosh file system and disks formatted with the RT-11 file system?


    Editing Systems manufactured by CMX and GVG (Grass Valley Group) use 90mm floppy disks that are formatted with a file system from Digital Equipment Corporation known as RT-11. These are 720K double-density disks.

    Editing Systems manufactured by Sony Corporation use the DOS file format for their disks.

    EDL Access(TM) from FocalPoint Systems, Inc. is a Macintosh application that can be used to format, read, and write to RT-11 formatted disks. EDL Access(TM) is included on the Final Cut Pro CD-ROM disc. Use EDL Access to copy an EDL file to or from a RT-11 formatted disk using a third party USB floppy disk drive. For Sony editing systems, you may copy the EDL file directly to a DOS formatted disk.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Final Cut Pro
Sub Category: General Topics

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