QuickTime 4: Using QuickTime Player
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The MoviePlayer application previously included with earlier versions of QuickTime has been updated and renamed QuickTime Player. QuickTime Player provides a dramatically new user interface and features, as well as support for viewing QuickTime Streaming files.
To open QuickTime Player, double-click its icon in the QuickTime folder.
Player Window
When opening the QuickTime Player, a new Player Window appears:
The controls and features of the Player Window are:
A - Close box - closes the Player window
B - TimeCode Display - this shows the current time in hours, minutes, and seconds from the beginning of the movie
C - Volume control - can be rotated to control the volume level.
D - Volume level indicator - displays a graphical representation of the current volume level.
E - Name of the QuickTime file
F - Time bar - represents the duration of the movie, can be dragged to change the current time.
G - Information button - clicking this button displays the Info Panel. The Info Panel displays copyright and author information of the QuickTime file being viewed.
: Not all QuickTime files will contain copyright or author information.
H - Controls button - clicking this button displays Playback Controls for adjusting the sound and navigating the movie.
I - Window size - Click and drag the corner of the Player Window to adjust the size of the window.
: the window size is always a minimum of 320 x 240 pixels. If the movie size is smaller than this, it will be centered in the Player Window.
J - Play button - Click this button to begin playing a movie from its current time. Click again to stop playing.
K - Favorites Drawer - Click and drag this control to open the Favorites Drawer. Double-click the control to quickly open and close the drawer.
L - Pause button - Click once to pause the movie playback. Click the Play button (J) to resume playback.
Playing a QuickTime Streaming Movie
In addition to QuickTime files on your computer, QuickTime Player can also open and display QuickTime Streaming movies. These movies can be either fast-start (HTTP) or streaming (RTSP) movies.
: You must have an active connection to the Internet in order to view QuickTime Streaming files.
From the File menu, select Open URL... and type the full URL address of the QuickTime streaming file:
Click the Ok button. QuickTime Player makes a connection to the Internet server URL address you have typed and opens a new window.
Status messages are displayed in the window to the right of the timecode display. After successful connection to the server, the movie will begin playback.
You must type the full Internet service type designation of rtsp: in the URL address to access files on a QuickTime Streaming web server. Other service types supported are http: and ftp.
If you receive the message "Can't find movie on server," check that you have entered the full path to the movie including upper and lowercase characters.
Favorites Drawer
The Favorites Drawer allows you save bookmarks to QuickTime files on your local hard disk or on QuickTime Streaming Servers. The favorites bookmarks can be used to quickly open the QuickTime file. To access the Favorites Drawer, double-click its handle at the bottom of the Player window:
To create a bookmark of a movie that you have opened, select Add Favorite from the Favorites menu. An icon representing the QuickTime movie favorite appears in the Favorites drawer.
You can add bookmarks to the Favorites drawer by dragging the QuickTime file's icon from the Finder to the Favorites Drawer.
To access a movie from the Favorites drawer, just click on its icon.
To arrange bookmarks, click and drag its icon to a new location within the Favorites drawer.
To close the Favorites Drawer, double-click its handle at the bottom of the Player window.