Final Cut Pro 1.0: No Video While Editing to Tape
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    It is possible when attempting to use Final Cut Pro's Edit To Tape command, that clicking Assemble properly rewinds the tape to the specified "in point" and the deck begins recording. However, it either records no video or it immediately stops recording and says to "Check DV-Input".


    If Edit To Tape is not outputting any video, yet Device Control does work properly, then the issue is most likely that you need to specify the Video Output target in Final Cut Pro's preferences. To do this, open Final Cut Pro's preferences window and click the General tab. In the pull down menu labeled "View External Video Using" choose your recording device. For example, if you are outputting to a DV Camera, you would select "Apple FireWire..."

    Helpful Notes

    • If your recording device is not connected to your computer, it will most likely not show up as an option in this pull down menu. You must first connect your recording device to your Macintosh and then specify it as the video output target.
    • Checking the "Mirror on desktop during Print to Video" may cause output to be jerky. If you are experiencing dropped frames when editing to tape, make sure this option is not selected.
    • For most purposes, when you are simply editing your video, set the "View External Video" option to "None". That way during the editing process, video is being output only to your monitor and not your recording device

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Final Cut Pro
Sub Category: General Topics

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