Mac OS X Server: Rebuilding Desktop File on Mac OS Extended Volumes
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    On my AppleShare IP server, I prefer to rebuild the Desktop file on my server volumes periodically as part of routine maintenance. How can I do this for Mac OS X Server?


    Method 1
    The easiest way to rebuild the Desktop file is to hold down the Command and Option keys while starting up from the Mac OS X Server installation disc, or from any other Mac OS 8 startup disk. (To start up the server computer from a CD-ROM disc, insert the disc, choose the Restart command from the Special menu, and hold down the C key).

    When the Desktop file has been rebuilt, restart the server computer using Mac OS X Server.

    Method 2
    Another way is to rebuild the Desktop file from within Mac OS X Server, using MacOS.app, as outlined below.

    First, switch all your disks to exclusive mode and then rebuild the Desktop file using MacOS.app, and reset all the disks back to their original access modes.
      1. Open MacOS.app.
      2. Open the Blue Volume Mount Options in the supplied startup disk image's Apple Extras folder. Make a note of your settings in order to be able to restore them later. The default is all shared mode. Set all the disks in question to exclusive mode.
      3. Shut down MacOS.app.
      4. In the Disk Mounting preferences of Mac OS X Server's Preferences.app, note your settings and then set them to "only the boot volume."
      5. Restart Mac OS X Server.
      6. Open MacOS.app. Hold down the Command and Option keys to rebuild the Desktop file (just like you would do with Mac OS 8). You should see "Rebuilding the Desktop" alerts with progress bars for each of the disks in question.
      7. In the Blue Volume Mount Options control panel, reset the computer's disks to their original settings as noted in step two.
      8. Shut down MacOS.app.
      9. Restore the setting you noted in step four via the Mac OS X Server Preferences.app preference panel for Disk Mounting.
      10. Restart Mac OS X Server.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS X Server
Sub Category: General Topics

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