At Ease 5.x: Setting Up a Second Documents Volume
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    The hard drive on my server is getting close to full. We purchased an additional hard drive and want to set up our At Ease documents on it.


    This article picks up after you have installed the new drive and formatted it. First create a new folder on the drive. This will be the folder that contains the documents folder, and will be referred to as the documents volume in this article. Go to the AppleShare IP Web and File Admin and make the folder you just created a share point. Give your At Ease user read and write access to this folder.

    Finally, move your documents folder from its current location to the new folder. Make sure that no users are logged into At Ease and go to the admin station.

    Once at the admin station, open At Ease Admin and log in. Now go to the Chooser and connect to the documents volume that you just created. Note: be sure you log in as the At Ease user. In At Ease Administration, choose Access to Volumes from the Configuration menu. Click the button labeled Add Volume. This brings you to the Add Volume window. In the large white box labeled Mounted Volumes, you should see the documents volume that you created.

    Choose the documents volume and click Add. This should automatically bring you back to the previous window, Access to Volumes, and the documents volume should now be listed under Approved Server Volumes.

    Now choose the documents volume and click the button labeled Volume Settings. On the new window there is a section labeled, Users will log into this volume, choose the selection named As the following AppleShare user. Then enter the user name and password information of your At Ease User in the proper fields.

    Click OK. You are now back in the Access to Volumes window. Click OK in this window as well.

    Now you should be back to the main At Ease Admin screen. Now open one of your workgroups. From the Edit Workgroup menu, find Workgroup Data Volume, located next to the workgroup name. Click the pull down menu that is to the right and you should see your documents volume in the list. Choose your documents volume, now next to Workgroup Data Volume you should see the name of your new documents volume.

    Click Done. This step has to be repeated for each one of your workgroups. Quit At Ease Administration. Your users may now log in, they should now be saving to the new documents volume.

    Note: If you use the Global Shared folder, when your students log in and try to access the global shared folder they may get a message that the folder is empty when in fact there are items inside it. This problem is easily fixed. First make sure all your users log out of At Ease. Then go to the At Ease Admin. From the main At Ease Administration window duplicate each of you workgroups and remove the old ones. The next time the users log in they should see the items located in the global shared folder.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: At Ease
Sub Category: At Ease 5.0 For Workgroups

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.