Macintosh Manager 1.0.1: Read Me
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    This article comprises the Read Me for Macintosh Manager version 1.0.1. This software was released by Apple on 05 August 1999 and is available for downloading from the Apple Software Updates Web site. Use the following URL to access the download directly:


    Macintosh Manager version 1.0.1 includes new Macintosh Manager client software that reduces the time required to log out. With Macintosh Manager 1.0.1, Network Assistant preferences are no longer deleted on non-NetBoot computers. Macintosh Manager version 1.0.1 also includes a new version of the Macintosh Manager administration application.

    Hardware Required:
    Macintosh Manager Client requires at least a 68040 processor.
    Macintosh Manager requires a PowerPC processor.

    OS Required:
    Macintosh Manager Client requires Mac OS 8.1, 8.5.x, or 8.6
    Macintosh Manager requires Mac OS 8.5.x or 8.6

    Software Required:
    A Mac OS client connected to a Mac OS X Server


    About Macintosh Manager version 1.0.1

    Macintosh Manager version 1.0.1 includes new Macintosh Manager client software that reduces the time required to log out. With Macintosh Manager 1.0.1, Network Assistant preferences are no longer deleted on non-NetBoot computers.

    Macintosh Manager version 1.0.1 also includes a new version of the Macintosh Manager administration application. The new Macintosh Manager software is contained in a self-extracting disk image file named, "Macintosh Manager.smi."

    To use the Macintosh Manager.smi file, download it or copy it to a Mac OS computer, then double-click it. When the disk image appears on your desktop, double-click it to see the files.

    The Macintosh Manager client software includes the following files:
    • MM Client Login
    • MM Client Panels
    • MM Client Startup
    • MM Client Finder Plugin

    To use the new software you need to copy it to the System Folder on each non-NetBoot client computer on your network and to the system image of your NetBoot server.

    To install the Macintosh Manager client software on a non-NetBoot computer:
      1. Copy the files to the client computer.
      2. Drag the files to the closed System Folder.
      3. Restart the computer.

    To install the Macintosh Manager client software in the system image of your NetBoot client computers:
      1. Copy the self-extracting disk image file to a server volume that you can access from a NetBoot client computer.
      2. Log on to a NetBoot client computer as a Global Administrator using the System Access workgroup and use the NetBoot Desktop Admin program to access the system image. For instructions on using NetBoot Desktop Admin, see the "NetBoot Desktop Admin Read Me" file.
      3. Locate the "Macintosh Manager.smi" file and open it, then drag the files to the closed System Folder.
      4. Complete the update of the NetBoot system image using NetBoot Desktop Admin.

    To install the new version of the Macintosh Manager administration application, copy it to your administration workstation. You can replace the existing copy of the application or drag it to the trash.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS X Server
Sub Category: Macintosh Manager

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.