Mac OS 9: Multiple Users - Setting Privileges For Limited and Panels Users
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This article describes how to set privileges for multiple users, a Mac OS feature introduced in Mac OS 9.0.
You can set certain privileges for Limited and Panels users in the Privileges tab of the user account window in the Multiple Users control panel.
To set privileges for these users:
1. Select a user account.
2. Click Privileges.
The privileges you can change are these:
CD/DVD-ROMs: Allows users access to all or some CD and DVD-ROM discs. To restrict the user to only certain discs or specific content on selected discs, select the box labeled "List for Restricted Users" and also make your choices in the Other Global settings. If you allow users access to any CD or DVD disc, but you restrict user access to certain content in these discs in the Other Global settings, the users will have access only to specific content in all the discs.
Removable Media: Allows users access to floppy disks and other storage media (except CD/DVD-ROM discs).
Shared Folder: Allows users access to the global shared folder on your computer.
Chooser and Network Browser: Allows users access to the Chooser to create printers and log in to shared disks and allows access to a Network Browser. (Allowing access to the Chooser does not automatically allow printing.)
Control Panels: Allows users access to the Control Panels folder and all items within it.
Other Apple Menu Items: Allows users access to items in the Apple Menu other than Chooser, Control Panels, Recent Items, and the About command.
User Can Print: Allows users to print to the printer specified in the "Allowed Printer" pop-up menu.
If Limited users can't do certain tasks included in Mac Help:
Mac Help includes some tasks such as changing the desktop appearance that requires the use of control panels and applications on the hard disk. If users can't complete these tasks, you may not have given the users access to the necessary items.
If CDs to which users don't have access play before being ejected:
Turn off the CD Autoplay feature in the QuickTime Settings control panel.