Mac OS 9: Performing a Clean Installation
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    This article provides instructions for what is commonly called a clean installation of system software. A normal system software installation replaces changed system files and adds new ones, but leaves other files alone. A clean installation creates a completely new System Folder on your hard disk.


    Performing a clean installation can be a lengthy procedure, but if you have tried other troubleshooting methods and are still experiencing problems, it may help.
      1. Start up your computer from the Mac OS CD.
      2. Open the Mac OS Installer application.
      3. In the Select Destination window of the Installer, click the Options button.
      4. Click the Perform Clean Installation checkbox to select it, then click OK.
      5. Follow the onscreen instructions to begin the installation. When the installation is finished, you can reinstall extensions, fonts, control panels, applications, and other items not installed with the Mac OS from their original disks. If you don't have the original disks, you can drag the items one at a time from the Previous System Folder to the new System Folder. To make sure the software is compatible with this version of the Mac OS, you should restart your computer after you reinstall each item.

    Important A clean installation creates a completely new System Folder. This means you must reinstall any non-Apple extensions, fonts, and control panels after you do the installation. Before you begin, write down your Internet settings (from the Modem, TCP/IP, and Remote Access control panels). Some of your application programs might also need to be reinstalled after you perform a clean installation, particularly if they rely on files that used to be in the System Folder.

    After you're sure you've copied all the items you want to save into your new System Folder, delete the Previous System Folder from your hard disk.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS 9.0
Sub Category: Troubleshooting
Keywords: kmos90

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