Mac OS 9: Troubleshooting Apple Remote Access 3.5
Article ID:


    This article provides troubleshooting tips for Apple Remote Access 3.5.


    Step 1. Check the server configuration
      1. Make sure the correct modem script is selected.
      2. Ensure that the server is set to answer calls.
      3. Make sure the right network protocol is selected and enabled.
      4. Check TCP/IP settings if necessary.
      5. Verify that the user's settings are correct.

    Step 2. Check client configuration
      1. Make sure the correct modem script is selected.
      2. Make sure the right network protocol is selected and enabled.
      3. Check TCP/IP settings if necessary.
      4. Make sure ARA is enabled.
      5. Make sure the name and password are entered correctly.
      6. Make sure the phone number is entered correctly.

    Step 3. Check hardware
      1. Modem
      2. Phone line
      3. Cabling

    Step 4. Validate software
      1. Make sure other software (application, extension, control panel) is not conflicting with Apple Remote Access.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS 9.0
Sub Category: Troubleshooting; Networking & Internet
Keywords: kmos90

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