Mac OS 9: Multiple Users - Tips For Creating a Secure Voice Password
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    This article contains tips for creating a secure voiceprint for the multiple users feature of Mac OS 9.


    The more similar your voice recordings are to each other, the more secure your voiceprint will be. Try to make each recording as similar to the others as you can. If there is background noise during the recording, the computer will expect it during each voice login.

    Do the following:
    • Speak at a normal rate. Trying to "help" by over-enunciating or inserting pauses between each word will cause it to fail.
    • Speak at a normal volume. - Trying to "help" by speaking too loudly or too softly will cause it to fail. You will be alerted if this is the case.
    • Speak at a normal distance from the microphone (about 50 cm). If you are too close or too far, it's as bad as speaking at an abnormal volume.
    • Position the microphone on top of the monitor.

    The computer will alert you if you speak too loudly or too softly, or too close to the end of the recording. It will try to guide you into making a good sound by making helpful suggestions.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS 9.0
Sub Category: General OS Topics
Keywords: kmos90

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