iMovie: Transition and Title Clip Progress Bars
Article ID:


    Shouldn't iMovie tell me that it's rendering transition and title clips with a progress bar dialog?


    Since iMovie renders transition clips and title clips as they are placed in the Clip Viewer, you will not see a regular progress bar dialog box. Instead, a red progress bar for individual transition clips and title clips is displayed within the clip's icon in the Clip Viewer. This allows you to render several transition clips or title clips at the same time.

    A transition clip's red progress bar appears in the lower part of the transition icon visible in the Clip Viewer. The transition icon is the image that connects the "transition from" clip and "transition to" clip to each other.

    The title clip's red progress bar appears just above the title clip's name. The title clip progress bar is about 20 percent of the way up from the bottom of the title clip's Clip Viewer icon.

    Additional clips may be added to the Clip Viewer while other clips are rendering -- up to the point where a certain percentage of available memory is consumed. At that point, no additional transition clips or title clips may be added. Once the clips' progress bars have reached the right side of their clip icon the rendering process is finished, and additional transition clips or title clips may be added to the Clip Viewer.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: iMovie
Sub Category: General Topics
Keywords: kimacsl

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