Macintosh Management Server 1.2.2 (For AppleShare IP 6.3): Read Me
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    About Macintosh Management Server 1.2.2
    (for Use With an AppleShare IP 6.1, 6.2, or 6.3 Server)

    There are two server processes that can be used with Macintosh Manager 1.2.2: the one that came with Mac OS X Server 1.2, or this server process, which is used with an AppleShare IP 6.1, 6.2, or 6.3 server. Both provide the same functionality.

    Please read the Macintosh Manager 1.2.2 Read Me for more information on the client and administration software.

    Instructions on migrating from an At Ease for Workgroups environment to a Macintosh Management environment will be posted to http://til.info.apple.com .

    Installing the Macintosh Management Server 1.2.2 Extension

    Copy the Macintosh Management Server 1.2.2 file from the disk image to the Extensions folder on your AppleShare server, then restart the server. The server should be set up properly for the Macintosh Manager administration program to find it.

    IMPORTANT You should ensure that the "Restrict users to single active logon per account" option is inactive (unchecked) in the AppleShare IP 6.3 administration program, or you may encounter problems when logging in to the server from a Macintosh Manager client workstation.

    If you are upgrading from a previous version of Macintosh Manager or At Ease for Workgroups, you should note that once you upgrade your users and workgroups to version 1.2.2, you cannot downgrade your information. Thus, it is recommended that you back up your existing data folder before running the Macintosh Manager administration program.

    System Requirements

    AppleShare IP 6.1, 6.2, or 6.3 server software installed and configured; AppleShare IP 6.3 is recommended.

    Workstation Support
    Mac OS workstations running Macintosh Manager client software version 1.1 (included in Mac OS 9), 1.2, or 1.2.2; the Macintosh Manager 1.2.2 client software is recommended and supports Mac OS 7.6.1 through Mac OS 9.

    Using the Macintosh Management Server

    Once the Macintosh Management Server extension is installed and running, the client and administration programs should be able to communicate with your AppleShare server in a similar fashion to the Mac OS X server process. There is no user interface involved; the server functions are handled in the background of your AppleShare server.

    To disable the Macintosh Management Server extension, remove it from your Extensions folder and restart your server computer.

    Macintosh Manager will automatically set up a share point called Macintosh Manager and an AppleShare User called Multiple User User. Do not modify these settings in AppleShare.

    When Macintosh Manager creates a new user, it will also create a new AppleShare user with the same nameand password. Deleting these AppleShare users can cause error messages to be displayed in the Macintosh Manager Admin program. The users are disabled by default, so there should be no reason to remove them.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Communications-Networking
Category: AppleShare
Sub Category: AppleShare for Mac OS

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