AppleWorks 6: Converting an AppleWorks 5 User Dictionary
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    The dictionary format used by AppleWorks 6 is different from AppleWorks 5. To use your user dictionary in AppleWorks 6, you must first convert it to AppleWorks 6 format.


    Exporting user dictionary terms from AppleWorks 5

    To export words from the AppleWorks 5 user dictionary:
      1. Choose Writing Tools from the Edit menu, then choose Edit User Dictionary from the submenu.
      2. Click the triangle next to Text File in the lower-right corner of the dialog box.
      3. Click Export.
      4. Select where to save the file and Click Save.
      5. Click OK when the file has been exported.
      6. Click OK to dismiss the dialog.

    Importing user dictionary terms into AppleWorks 6

    To import words from a text file into the current user dictionary:
      1. Choose Writing Tools from the Edit menu, then choose Edit User Dictionary from the submenu.
      2. Click the triangle next to Text File in the lower-right corner of the dialog box.
      3. Click Import.
      4. Select the file you want to import, then click Open.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: AppleWorks
Sub Category: General
Keywords: kworks

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