iMovie 2: System Requirements
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    This article outlines the system requirements for iMovie 2.


    iMovie 2 requires the following:

    • A Macintosh computer with a 300 MHz or faster PowerPC G3 or G4 processor and built-in FireWire port
    • At least 64 MB of RAM (128 MB recommended)
    • A CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
    • 200 MB of available (unused) hard disk space (4 GB recommended; 5 minutes of imported digital video requires about 1 GB of disk space)
    • A monitor that works with 800 x 600 pixel resolution and thousands of colors (1024 x 768 pixel resolution and millions of colors recommended)
    • Mac OS 9.0.4 or later
    • QuickTime 4.1.2 or later
    • FireWire 2.4 or later (FireWire Support and Enabler extensions)
    • A digital video (DV) device, such as a camcorder or deck, with a FireWire, IEEE 1394, or i.LINK port
    • A 4-pin-to-6-pin FireWire cable (for use with DV camcorders)
    • Viewing Desktop Movies on a TV or VCR from your DV device requires appropriate connection cables

    A list of compatible cameras and DV devices is available at http://www.apple.com/imovie/shoot.html .

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: iMovie
Sub Category: General Topics

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