NeXTSTEP Hard Drive Recovery Tips
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    This document pertains to the NeXTSTEP operating system (versions 3.2 and previous). Apple Computer no longer provides support for these products. This information is provided only as a convenience to our customers who have not yet upgraded their systems, and may not apply to OPENSTEP, WebObjects, or any other product of Apple Enterprise Software.



    Steps 1 and 2 depend on the type of computer running NEXTSTEP. After that
    it's the same for all NEXTSTEP machines.

    If you have an Intel based Computer:

    1. Put your installation floppy in the floppy drive, the installation CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive and turn on your computer.

    2. At the boot: prompt, type:

    If your internal hard drive is IDE

    fd()mach_kernel -s rootdev=sd0a

    If your internal hard drive is SCSI

    fd()mach_kernel -s rootdev=sd1a

    3.2 will ask for installation language and boot drivers; answer the questions and don't fear, this will not re-install NEXTSTEP.

    If you have a NeXT Computer:

    1. Put your installation floppy in the floppy drive, the installation CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive and turn on your computer.

    2. When the machine displays "testing system" press

    Command - Command - tilde _on_numeric_keypad

    You should get the "NeXT ROM Monitor".

    At the NeXT> prompt, type:

    bfd -s

    For all types of computers:

    The system will start in "single user mode". When it is finished, you will see a # prompt.

    2a. If you are running NS3.2 for Intel , load the floppy driver:

    /usr/etc/driverLoader D=Floppy

    3. You need to mount your internal hard drive on the filesystem. Here's the command:

    if you have an IDE disk

    mount -n -o ro /dev/hd0a /disk

    if you have a SCSI disk

    mount -n -o ro /dev/sd0a /disk

    Your entire hard drive is now /disk.

    4. Put a blank floppy disk into the floppy drive and format it with this command:

    /usr/etc/disk -i /dev/rfd0b

    5. Mount the floppy disk on the filesystem, as the directory /floppy

    mount -n /dev/fd0a /floppy

    6. Change directories, for example:

    cd /disk/pat/files

    7. List the files in a directory:


    8. Copy a file onto the floppy disk:

    cp logo.ps /floppy

    9. The floppy will fill up eventually. When that happens, you need to unmount it. Here's how:

    umount /floppy

    10. Remove that floppy from the floppy drive and build another floppy, starting with step 4.


    If you have files with spaces or ampersands in the names, for example:

    Dan Resume.ps

    you must copy them this way:

    cp "Dan Resume.ps" /floppy

    If you get the error " command not found " you need to use the full path for commands:

    mount: /usr/etc/mount
    umount: /usr/etc/umount
    ls: /bin/ls
    cp: /bin/cp

    If you get the error " /private/etc/mtab00026: read only file system " when umount'ing a floppy, you need to type

    sync; sync; reboot

    and start this procedure again, using another blank floppy. The data you wrote to the first floppy got copied. You do not need to copy it again.

    You can check the sizes of files with the -l option to ls .

    ls -l

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: NeXTSTEP
Sub Category: General Topics

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.