This file contains notes about the tools that you use to create WebObjects applications:
DISCUSSION Known Bugs This section lists bugs that we are aware of with this release and suggests ways to avoid or work around these issues. Please refer to the bug reference number if you need to contact Apple about a bug's status. Known Issues With Project Builder In WebObjects 3.5, Project Builder has been modified to better integrate with other tools that you use to write WebObjects applications. The version of Project Builder distributed with WebObjects 3.5 has these known issues. Issues documented OpenStep 4.2 Project Builder Release Note also apply. Developing OpenStep Applications When you install WebObjects 3.5, it replaces your existing OpenStep installation with new development tools, frameworks, and files. For example, modificiations were made to ProjectBuilder, the makefiles, and project types to accomodate new features only usable in WebObjects. Interface Builder and the AppKit framework are installed, but have not changed from the OPENSTEP 4.2 release. While we don't believe you should have any issues with developing OpenStep applications, you will not receive any support to help you around issues you encounter. If you need to develop OpenStep applications on a supported platform, use another machine that does not have WebObjects 3.5 installed. 3.1 to 3.5 Project Conversion Facility Known Issues Reference: 82275 Issue: WebObjects support bundle no longer needed Description: Previous releases of WebObjects required you to load a bundle named WebObjectsSupport.bundle into Project Builder. This bundle is no longer necessary in WebObjects 3.5. If you uninstall the previous release, WebObjectsSupport.bundle is deleted. After you install WebObjects 3.5, you may receive an error message the first time you launch Project Builder saying that it cannot find WebObjectsSupport.bundle . Workaround: Go to the Project Builder Preferences panel. Choose Bundles from the pop-up list. Remove WebObjectsSupport.bundle from this list. Reference: 79078 Issue: Project Builder conversion of encoded .wod or .wos files is lossy Description: When converting an existing WebObjects project that has non-ASCII encodings in either the .wod or .wos files, Project Builder will convert these files to plain ASCII using a lossy conversion. The files converted in this lossy way are backed up by writing them out with the suffix .preWOF35 before doing the conversion. Workaround: None Reference: 80628 Issue: Project Builder occasionally can try to convert a project more than once. Description: Under certain circumstances, the upgrade to a project for WebObjects 3.5 can fail to be committed to disk. This may happen if the folder or file is somehow locked by File Explorer (on Windows NT). Workaround: Ensure the file is writable by Project Builder and not locked in any other program. Reference: 81293 Issue: Project Builder cannot convert old applications that don't have projects Description: Prior to WebObjects 3.5, developers were not required to use Project Builder to manage their projects. This is required now, and Project Builder will convert existing directories containing a PB.project file to the new format. However, if your project wasn't being managed by Project Builder (and thus has no PB.project file), the conversion utility does not apply. Workaround: Create a new WebObjectsApplication project with Project Builder and manually add all components, classes, resources, images, etc. to the appropriate suitcases. Reference: 81421 Issue: Project Builder ignores WOProject.plist when converting some applications Description: When converting existing applications to 3.5 projects, Project Builder removes WOProject.plist file in some projects (with user intervention) and ignores the file in other projects. This is because the file must have been part of the old project for the conversion utility to know it exists. Workaround: After converting to WebObjects 3.5, delete the file WOProject.plist from all projects as it is no longer required. Building Projects Known Issues Reference: 82227 Issue: install build target installs into NEXTROOT Description: If you build with the install target in Project Builder, the Makefile prepends the NEXTROOT to whatever directory you specify as the "Install In" path in the Build Attributes inspector. Workaround: Before building, click the Build Options button in the Build Panel and the following to the arguments: DSTROOT="" Reference: 81333 Issue: The debug target in Project Builder appends unsupported .debug extension. Description: The debug target is not supported for WebObjects 3.5 because it appends the unsupported .debug extension (rather than .woa ) to the application wrapper and the framework binary. Workaround: Use the target woapp or woframework and turn off optimizations in the Makefile.postamble with: OPTIMIZE_BUILD_CFLAGS = In addition, you may set the DEBUG flag yourself in the following way (in Makefile.preamble ): OTHER_CFLAGS += -DDEBUG or in the Arguments field of the Build Options panel, add: OTHER_CFLAGS=-DDEBUG Debugging symbols will be available under this scheme. Reference: 80522 Issue: ($NEXT_ROOT)/LocalLibrary/Frameworks not searched during link process on Windows NT Description: On Windows NT, if you use a framework from ($NEXT_ROOT)/LocalLibrary/Frameworks in another project, the link will fail. This issue may arise if you developed the project on OpenStep for Mach (where the LocalLibrary directory is searched automatically) and then copied it over to Windows NT to recompile. Workaround: Manually add ($NEXT_ROOT)/LocalLibrary/Frameworks to the framework search path in the Build Attributes Inspector. Reference: 80434 Issue: Deleting a header that is marked public causes Makefile inconsistency Description: If you have a header file in your project that is marked public, it causes a Makefile inconsistency because the header file is removed but the entry in PUBLIC_HEADERS for the header file is not removed. Workaround: Make the header file private before removing it. Java Integration Known Issues Reference: 81727 Issue: WebObjectsApplication projects with no server-side Java don't build client-side components correctly Description: When a WebObjectsApplication project has no Java at the top level, the ClientSide Java and Common Java subprojects don't get archived into .jar files or put into the application wrapper's WebServerResources directory at all. Workaround: Add a dummy .java file to the Classes suitcase at the top level of your project and rebuild. Reference: 81717 Issue: Project Builder indexer gets confused over static initializers and static inner classes Description: Static initializers show up as "-)" in the browser and clicking on them selects the static block as well as the prototype of the next method. The first method in a static inner class shows up as "-;" and clicking it in the browser does the same thing as clicking a static initializer. Some methods invoked within the bodies of methods in static inner classes also show up in the index. Workaround: None Reference: 80313 Issue: JavaWrapper projects cannot be subprojects. Workaround: Make the JavaWrapper project a standalone project. Reference: 80242 Issue: JavaWrapper projects log errors about headers during build Description: When building a relatively simple JavaWrapper project, you can get more than 4000 error messages coming from headers included by Foundation.h (for example, winnt.h ). None of these errors result in a build failure. Workaround: Before building, go to the Project Build panel, click the check mark to open the Build Options panel, and select the "Continue after error" option. Alternatively, you can change the build target to install (on the same panel) to avoid seeing these errors altogether. Miscellaneous Known Issues in Project Builder Reference: 81640 Issue: Subprojects cannot contain components with the same name Description: If you have organized your WebObjects application into subprojects, be sure that the component names are unique across the entire project. If two components in two different subprojects have the same name, one component will overwrite the other in the Resources directory during a build. Workaround: None Reference: 82233 Issue: Project Builder cannot handle project directories with spaces in their names Description: Project Builder will open projects that are in a directory with spaces in its filename, but whenever another application is used to open a file in the project, Project Builder passes a non-quoted string to the application, which interprets the string as several independent filenames and emits warnings about invalid or non-existent files. Workaround: Avoid using spaces in project names and project directory names. Reference: 80912 Issue: The .woo part of a component doesn't appear in Project Builder. Workaround: You shouldn't manually edit a .woo file-- it is maintained by WebObjects Builder. Should you need to examine the contents of a .woo , you can open it using the File->Open command in Project Builder, and it will appear in Non Project Files. Reference: 81530 Issue: Unnecessary logs from Project Builder Find Panel Description: This happens every time you use the find panel: Sep 25 15:54:05 ProjectBuilder[10525] Could not connect the action setView: to target of class Finder Sep 25 15:54:05 ProjectBuilder[10525] Could not connect the action setView: to target of class Finder : : Workaround: None Reference: 81337 Issue: Project Builder indexing not updating the user interface Description: Updates to the user interface seem to stop after a few files get indexed, making it look as if project server is hung. Workaround: None Reference: 81687 Issue: Open panels mislabeled Description: In WebObjectsFramework projects, if you double-click "Web Server Resources" to add a resource, the resulting open panel is named "Add Web Server," not "Add Web Server Resource." If you double-click "Non Project Files," the resulting open panel is named "Add Classes." Workaround: None Direct to Web Known Issues Direct to Web is a new feature in WebObjects 3.5. You create a Direct to Web application by creating a new WebObjectsApplication project in Project Builder and choosing "Direct to Web" as the type of assistance. Project Builder creates a Direct to Web application for you and launches it in your web browser. From there, you can launch the Web Assistant and customize the application. Direct to Web and the Web Assistant have these known issues: Miscellaneous Known Issues in Direct to Web Reference: 82130 Issue: Query pages using key-value paths always retrieves all the objects Description: If you freeze a query page containing a QueryToOneField or a QueryToManyField, the query page or you use a key-value path starting with a WODisplayGroup (such as displayGroup.queryMatch.xx.yy) the query always retrieves all of the objects. Workaround: Edit your query component as follows: In the .wod file, there should be one or more WOTextFields, corresponding to the QueryFields: MyField: WOTextField { } Replace this with: MyField: WOTextField { value=displayGroupQueryMatchDepartmentName } and implement the following two methods in your component's code: public Object displayGroupQueryMatchDepartmentName() { return displayGroup.queryMatch().valueForKey(""); } public void setDisplayGroupQueryMatchDepartmentName(Object value) { displayGroup.queryMatch().takeValueForKey(value, ""); } Reference: 82076 Issue: Direct to Web is slow Workaround: There are several things you can do to speed up Direct To Web applications: 1. Displaying entities that have a lot of relationships or relationships with a lot of elements on the other side of the relationship is very CPU intensive; use the Web Assistant to hide some of the entities and relationships. 2. Starting the Web Assistant significantly slows down the Direct To Web application. 3. In deployment, make sure you are running with caching on ( using the -c command line option or the WOApplication setCachingEnabled: method). Note that it is currently not possible to generate pages from the Web Assistant with this option turned on. 4. Consider freezing some of the slow pages (especially list pages) from the Web Assistant. Reference: 82118 Issue: Direct to Web doesn't appear to delete items; they still appear on the list page Description: It's possible to click the Delete button on the edit page, go to the list page, and still see the object you just deleted. This is because WODisplayGroup does not purge the deleted objects from its list. Workaround: There are three options: 1) Register to observe the EOObjectsChangedInEditingContextNotification sent by EOEditingContext. When you find an object in the deleted list in the userInfo for the notification, remove it from any WODisplayGroups. 2) In the awake method for your list page, scan the displayedObjects array of the WODisplayGroup and remove any objects not registered in the EOEditingContext. 3) Force the WODisplayGroup in your list page to refetch. Reference: 81940 Issue: Saving changes in Direct to Web causes error(s) Description: There are several situations that you can get into where modifying attributes of enterprise objects and then saving will raise exceptions in EOF. These can be due to inconsistencies in your EOModel and your database. They can also be due to improper modifications to foreign keys. Workaround: It's important to validate your EOModel (use the consistency checker in EOModeler) and make sure that relationships between entities are mapped correctly. Reference: 82049 Issue: Direct to Web returns to wrong page after saving changes Description: If you list some objects of Entity A and inspect a relationship that one of them has to Entity B, edit one of the objects of Entity B, and save changes, you will end up on the query page for Entity B. Workaround: Direct to Web always returns to the query page for entity that you are editing after you save changes. To change this behavior, generate the component and customize its behavior. Reference: 80930 Issue: Sorting by first column in Direct to Web produces an error when first column is a relationship Description: In list pages, Direct to Web by default sorts the list on the first column. If the first column is a relationship, it results in an error. Workaround: Change the order of the columns with the Web Assistant. Reference: 82041 Issue: "No query available" message in Direct to Web Description: Direct to Web displays a "No query available" message when it does not have a way to query the data type for a particular attribute. It does not mean that you cannot query on that entity; it just means that you cannot qualify the fetch based on that particular attribute. Workaround: You can stop this message from appearing by using the Web Assistant to hide that attribute. Reference: 81248 Issue: The DisplayImage component can only use images contained in the application itself Description: The images have to be in the resources of the application for the DisplayImage component to be able to find them. Workaround: Add images to the project using Project Builder. Reference: 82075 Issue: Direct to Web cannot display attributes of type NSData Description: Direct to Web does not know how to represent attributes of type NSData when generating HTML. NSData objects could be images or other types of data. The raw hexadecimal representation is usually not interesting, so it is not displayed. Workaround: None Reference: 81870 Issue: NSDecimalNumbers display differently in userPresentableDescription output than in other places in Direct to Web Description: If an enterprise object uses its userPresentableDescription method to display its value in Direct to Web and that enterprise object contains an NSDecimalNumber value, the NSDecimalNumber is formatted using the Money formatter. If that same number is displayed elsewhere in Direct to Web, it's just a basic float style number with two decimal places of precision. This happens because userPresentableDescription picks a default formatter for each attribute based on settings in the EOClassDescription. Workaround: Don't use userPresentableDescription . Display a different key for your enterprise object and set the appropriate formatter for that key. Reference: 82180 Issue: Date formatters other than the default cause issues in Direct to Web Description: Certain date formatters can cause Direct to Web to have issues. First, you may not be able to save any changes to the attribute or it may save an empty value. Second, Direct to Web may raise an exception when trying to generate an edit or query page because the formatter can't be parsed. Workaround: There is no workaround for the first issue. You can workaround the second issue by using the Web Assistant to create a valid date formatter before you get to a edit or query page. Web Assistant Known Issues Reference: 81971 Issue: Cannot start the Web Assistant on Solaris. Description: If you try to start the Web Assistant for a Direct to Web application on Solaris, you receive a log similar to the following: Oct 16 02:31:45 d2walpha[4181] waiting for requests... ./d2walpha: fatal: can't open file: errno=2 ( java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no net in shared library path at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary( at java.lang.System.loadLibrary( at at<init>( ... Workaround: Make sure is in your path Reference: 81189 Issue: When reloading a page that shows the Web Assistant, Web Assistant appears twice Description: If you display a page in Direct to Web, display the Web Assistant for that page, and then click the browser reload button, two Web Assistants are displayed. Workaround: The Web Assistant lives in the bottom frame; you should only reload the top frame (right-click on that frame). Reference: 81758 Issue: Backtracking with the web browser's Back button confuses the Web Assistant Description: When you backtrack in the web browser, the Web Assistant does not track the displayed page correctly. Workaround: Use the navigation buttons in the Direct to Web page instead of using the web browser's buttons. Reference: 81866 Issue: If the Cancel button is clicked, the Web Assistant loses track of the browser page Description: If you load a page in Direct to Web and you cancel the load by clicking either the Cancel button on the page or the web browser's Back button, the Web Assistant loses track of the page. Workaround: Don't use the Cancel or the Back button when the Web Assistant is active. Reference: 81929 Issue: userPresentableDescription is listed as an attribute to query on Description: When you inspect a to-one relationship in the Web Assistant, the Web Assistant lists the object's attributes that you can use to query the relationship. userPresentableDescription is erroneously listed as one of these attributes. If you select it, the Web Assistant will perform the query using the primary key. Workaround: Select another attribute in the Web Assistant. Reference: 81763 Issue: Web Assistant may overwrite existing component files Description: When you choose to generate a component using the Web Assistant, the Assistant does not check to see if the component already exists, and it does not prompt you to make sure that you really want to overwrite any existing component with the same name. Workaround: Make sure that you aren't overwriting anything you want to keep before you choose to generate a page. Reference: 81800 Issue: Generated component not displayed automatically Description: When you generate a component for a previously dynamic page in Direct to Web and then click the Reload button in the web browser, the page that is displayed is still the dynamically generated page. Workaround: Re-navigate to the modified page using the Direct to Web navigation tools to display the correct page. WebObjects Builder Known Issues The version of WebObjects Builder shipped in version 3.5 has these known issues: The .woo File WebObjects Builder might add a Component .woo file to your component's directory. It does so under these circumstances: · If you add a WODisplayGroup to the component and you change the configuration of that WODisplayGroup (for example, if you change the sort ordering or any other option in the Display Group Options panel). · If you want to localize the component's HTML and you've specified a character encoding other than the default. The .woo file is a property list and is formatted like any other OpenStep property list. Because WebObjects Builder and WebObjects expect the .woo file to appear in a certain format, you should never edit the .woo file directly. If you do so and you introduce a syntax error, WebObjects Builder will not be able to open your component. HTML Editing in Graphical Display Mode Known Issues Reference: 82033 Issue: WebObjects Builder attempts to copy resources that don't need copying. Description: If you have a resource in your project directory that is not currently part of your project, dragging that file into WebObjects Builder has confusing results. WebObjects Builder attempts to copy the file into the project, but first it moves aside the old copy by appending a "~" to its name. The copy fails because the file that WebObjects Builder is trying to copy no longer exists, and you're left with the original file renamed to have a "~" at the end. Workaround: Add the file to the project using Project Builder and then drag it into WebObjects Builder. Reference: 82184 Issue: Adding form elements inside a WOForm results in additional FORM tags Description: Adding a submit button inside a WOForm results in a new FORM around the button in addition to the button itself. Workaround: Remove the FORM tags in source editing (raw) mode and save while still in source editing mode. Use a FORM rather than WOForm permanently or temporarily. Reference: 82185 Issue: Using FRAMESET in your component is tricky Description: By default, WebObjects Builder adds <HTML> and <BODY> tags to the beginning and end of every document, so creating a FRAMESET is tricky. Workaround: 1. Mark the component as a partial document in the Inspector panel. 2. Enter the HTML as follows (using generic HTML markers or "raw" source editing mode): <FRAMESET ROWS=50%,50%> <FRAME SRC=" " NAME=One> <FRAME SRC=" " NAME=Two> <NOFRAMES> <BODY>You are out of luck..</BODY> </NOFRAMES> </FRAMESET> Reference: 82309 Issue: Dragging files into tables doesn't work Description: An image or component dragged into a table will not appear. Workaround: Add the desired object using the appropriate toolbar button and set the filename and framework bindings accordingly. As an alternative, drag the item to a location outside of the table and then cut and paste it into the table. Reference: 80154 Issue: Percentage-sized items in an unsized table cell mess up display Description: An unsized table cell claims to have an infinite width to accommodate its contents, and the percentage-sized item (such as an <HR> tag or a table with any percentage width set) demands a fraction of that infinite width, which is still infinite, and so the table cell attempts to expand to accommodate that demand, which ends up scrunching the rest of your table into hardly any space at all. Workaround: Set explicit widths for your table columns. In general, WebObjects Builder's table editing code works best with explicit pixel widths set for table cell widths. Reference: 81756 Issue: Inspector doesn't update when in structure editing mode on a nested table Description: Open a file with nested tables (one table appears in one of the cells of the other table) in WebObjects Builder. Click in the cell of the outer table that contains the inner table. Now click in the inner table, then go to structure editing mode on the inner table (you can use the button on the toolbar). Bring up the inspector and start selecting different cells within the table. The inspector path doesn't update, making it impossible to inspect the attributes on the table cells and rows of the inner table. Workaround: When you need to inspect the table cells and rows of the inner table, use content editing mode instead. Reference: 80839 Issue: Hard to merge two identical, neighboring structures Description: If you have two identical structures (such as paragraphs, headers, or lists) that are next to each other, it is very difficult to combine them into a single structure. Placing the cursor at the beginning of the second structure and pressing backspace doesn't work; neither does placing the cursor at the end of the first structure and pressing delete. Workaround: Select the contents of the second structure, choose copy, then go to the end of the first structure and choose paste; this should append the contents of the second structure to the first. Now you can delete the second structure. Reference: 81344 Issue: When <PRE> nodes are destroyed or converted, their contents are not properly converted Description: If you have a preformatted paragraph (that is, one that uses the <PRE> tag) and use WebObjects Builder's inspector to change it to a normal paragraph (<P>), any carriage returns, tabs, or multiple spaces in the contents of the paragraph are not stripped or replaced by <BR> markers; they are put directly into the contents of the new paragraph. This destroys the WYSIWYG rendering of the HTML; newlines will appear within the new paragraph, even though they would not appear in a browser. Workaround: Switch to source editing mode then back to graphical mode; this will remove the extraneous whitespace. You can now add in newlines and other formatting wherever desired. Reference: 81346 Issue: Centering several list items at once splits the list Description: If you center a single list item, the list item properly places a paragraph around its text and centers the paragraph, leaving the list itself intact. However, if you select several list items and center them, the list will be split at the selection boundaries, and the selected pieces will be centered. Workaround: Center each list item independently. Reference: 82098 Issue: Difficult to put a list around a dynamic element Description: If you select some text that includes a dynamic element, then click the List button on the Structures toolbar, the dynamic element will not be wrapped by a list item, but will appear directly within the list < probably not what was desired. Workaround: Create the list first, then cut and paste the dynamic element into the list at the desired location. Reference: 81533 Issue: Dragging in a shared component places it around the current selection Description: If you have text selected in WebObjects Builder and you drag in a shared component, WebObjects Builder attempts to surround the text with the shared component, rather than replacing the text. Workaround: Make sure no text is selected when you drag in a shared component. If desired, delete any text that you wanted to replace after you drag in the component. Reference: 82016 Issue: Backspace does not delete shared components Description: You cannot delete a shared component using the Backspace key. Workaround: Select the entire component by clicking one of the icons at the beginning or end of the component, then press the Delete key. HTML Editing in Source ("Raw") Mode Known Issues Reference: 81162 Issue: Whitespace in between WEBOBJECT tags may be ignored Description: WebObjects Builder does not treat whitespace immediately inside the WEBOBJECT start and end tags correctly. It ignores such whitespace when reading in files, and it uses its own rules to determine how much whitespace to display. Normally, such whitespace is not significant (according to the HTML specification). Workaround: Use a non-breaking space ( - entered using shift-space in WebObjects Builder) instead of a space when you want to force whitespace. Manually edit your HTML prior to actual deployment to fix whitespace issues. Reference: 82063 Issue: WebObjects Builder pretty-printing wraps text, which results in erroneous spaces Description: If you create the following component outside of WebObjects Builder: <BODY> Hello <WEBOBJECT NAME=MyString></WEBOBJECT>, how are you?<BR> </BODY> Then open the component in WebObjects Builder and saved it, WebObjects Builder generates: <BODY> Hello <WEBOBJECT NAME=MyString></WEBOBJECT> , how are you?<BR> </BODY> which creates an unwanted space before the comma. Workaround: Turn off pretty-printing in the preferences panel. Reference: 80803 Issue: Mismatches between a component's .html and .wod files do not cause parse errors switching out of source editing (raw) mode Description: Entries in the .wod file that do not have a matching WEBOBJECT tag are silently removed when you switch from source editing (or raw) mode to graphical display mode. Workaround: None Working With WODisplayGroups Known Issues Reference: 81556 Issue: Display groups cannot be reset Description: Before you configure a display group variable, a dash appears next to the variable's name in the object browser. After you configure the display group, a checkmark appears next to it, and there is no way to reset the variable back to a dash. Workaround: Delete the display group variable in the source code file and then save the file. Switch back to WebObjects Builder and add a new display group variable. Reference: 82105 Issue: Double-clicking doesn't open the Display Group Options panel. Description: In WebObjects Builder, you double-click a display group variable to open the Display Group Options panel. On Windows NT under rare circumstances, WebObjects Builder can get in a state where double-clicking a display group variable isn't recognized. Workaround: Triple-click the variable. Bindings Known Issues Reference: 80253 Issue: WebObjects Builder does not validate keys and values in the bindings inspector Description: WebObjects Builder lets you write illegal values (such as values with unrecognized characters) for binding attributes and values. These values are written to your .wod file without validation, so your .wod file will not be correct. Workaround: Don't set your bindings to such values. If you do, close the component and reopen it. WebObjects Builder displays a parse error and puts you in source editing mode, where you can fix the corrupted bindings. Reference: 81517 Issue: The Select Image button doesn't use the filename and framework attributes. Description: If you add an image to a component using the Select Image button, the WOImage src attribute is used. If the image is part of your project or it is part of a framework linked to your project, you should use the filename and framework attributes instead of src . Workaround: Change the attributes to be correct, or drag the image instead of using the Select Image button. Reference: 81688 Issue: Cannot add two images with the same name in WebObjects Builder Description: If your project contains an image named Foo.gif and you drag in an image named Foo.gif from a framework onto a component, WebObjects Builder will not allow you to add that image to your component. Workaround: Add conflicting images in Project Builder and set the proper framework and filename bindings in WebObjects Builder's WOImage inspector. Reference: 81674 Issue: WebObjects Builder does not offer filename and framework attributes for WOBody or WOEmbeddedObject Description: The dynamic elements WOBody and WOEmbeddedObject support the filename and framework attributes; however, their Inspector panels in WebObjects Builder do not list these attributes. Workaround: Add them by hand. Project Builder Interaction Known Issues Reference: 74247 Issue: WebObjects Builder and Project Builder do not notify each other when application files are edited Description: WebObjects Builder does not notice any changes made in Project Builder to source code files, HTML files, or .wod files until you save. Likewise, Project Builder does not notice files that you edit in WebObjects Builder until you save. Workaround: Save the edited files before switching applications. Reference: None Issue: WebObjects Builder does not display variables or methods beginning with an underscore Description: If you declare a variable or method with a name that begins with an underscore (_), WebObjects Builder's object browser does not display that variable or method. WebObjects Builder considers any variable or method name beginning with an underscore to be private API that you don't want displayed in the object browser. Workaround: None. Reference: 80517 Issue: WebObjects Builder parser does not recognize modern syntax methods Description: Methods declared using this syntax: function myMethod() { some.modern().looking().code(); } will not be properly represented in the object browser. Workaround: Use classic syntax when declaring methods in WebScript: - myMethod { some.modern().looking().code(); } Reference: 82123 Issue: Saving a new component into a project does not parse the component's code file. Description: Application and session keys are not displayed until you edit the component's source code file. Workaround: Edit the component's source file, either by adding variables/methods from WebObjects Builder or by switching to Project Builder. Reference: 81964 Issue: No keys/actions displayed for classes containing inner classes Description: No keys or actions are displayed for Java classes that contain inner classes. This is a Java 1.1 feature that the WebObjects Builder parser doesn't support. Workaround: Don't use inner classes in component source files. If you must use inner classes, you can type in any missing keys using the WebObjects Builder inspector. Reference: 82216 Issue: Using Objective-C keywords as method names can crash WebObjects Builder Description: Naming an Objective-C method break , default , or any other reserved word can crash WebObjects Builder when it parses the source file. Workaround: Don't use reserved words as method names. HTML Graphical Display Known Issues Reference: 81889 Issue: Some unknown images appear blank Description: When WebObjects Builder encounters an image whose source URL cannot be loaded and whose size is configured to either shorter or narrower than the unknown image icon typically used, it will display the image as an empty box the size requested by the image description. Workaround: None Reference: 82099 Issue: Images do not give any indication that they're loading Description: When you insert a large image into WebObjects Builder, there is a noticeable delay before the image is displayed. No indication is given that the image is being loaded. Since the image is loaded in a background thread, the application continues to be useful during this time, giving the impression that the insertion of the image failed somehow. Workaround: None Reference: 69412 Issue: Cannot create image maps Description: There is no way to create image maps in WebObjects Builder. Workaround: For client-side image maps, create the map description using the source editing (raw) mode. For server-side image maps, edit the attributes of the image in the Inspector, then use a text editor to create the map file. Reference: 82154 Issue: Host lookup can hang WebObjects Builder for up to 5 minutes Description: On Windows NT systems that have DNS lookup enabled but are not currently on a network, WebObjects Builder can hang while attempting to load components that contain URLs with non-local ( http://... ) references. Workaround: Disable DNS lookup temporarily or open a Bourne shell window and enter the following command: defaults write WebObjectsBuilder DisableHostLookup YES and then restart WebObjects Builder. Reference: 80654 Issue: WebObjects Builder doesn't understand % escape sequences in URLs Description: When WebObjects Builder reads in HTML that includes URLs that use % escape sequences, it does not properly interpret the escape sequences. This prevents WebObjects Builder from properly accessing files referenced by the URLs; in particular, if the URL specifies the location of an image, the image will not be loaded. Likewise, when asked to construct a URL for a particular file location, it will not properly escape characters that are illegal in URLs. This most commonly occurs with filenames that include spaces; the spaces should be translated to %20, but are not. Workaround: There is no workaround for the misreading of URLs; WebObjects Builder will simply not be able to access those URLs. However, any time WebObjects Builder creates a URL that is not properly escaped, you can edit that URL (either in an inspector or in source editing mode) to contain the proper escape sequences; WebObjects Builder will properly remember the new URL. Reference: 80641 Issue: Font size displays incorrectly when insertion point is next to an image or other attachment Description: When the cursor is right next to an image or any other kind of attachment (anything that isn't ordinary text), the font size control displays incorrectly. Usually, it jumps to the largest size. When you type, however, the typing appears at the appropriate size. Workaround: None Reference: 68067 Issue: Pasting RTF does not work very well Description: Sometime, spaces and attributes are lost when you paste RTF text into WebObjects Builder. Workaround: None. Using Palettes Known Issues Reference: 74847 Issue: Changing the codebase attribute breaks client-side components Description: WebObjects Builder shows the codebase attributes of client-side components as editable. However, if you change the value of this attribute, the client-side component won't work because it requires the classes in <DocumentRoot> /WebObjects/Java . Workaround: Don't change the codebase attribute. Reference: 80825 Issue: The Make Editable item in the palette menu is actually a Toggle Edit Mode Description: The Make Editable menu item does not do exactly what it's description implies -- it functions more as a Toggle Edit Mode button. Workaround: None Reference: 81805 Issue: There is no Save As command for palettes. Description: There is no way to save a palette to a new location. Workaround: Copy the palette in Workspace Manager or File Explorer. Reference: 81835 Issue: Palette items cannot be renamed on Mach Description: Palette items created cannot be renamed in WebObjects Builder on Mach. Workaround: Open the palette on an NT machine to do the renaming or manually edit the palette's plist file. Miscellaneous WebObjects Builder Issues Reference: 81367 Issue: WebObjects Builder cannot find the WebObjects Home Page Description: If the document root isn't set up correctly, WebObjects Builder does not display WebObjects Home Page when you choose the Help command. Workaround: Set the document root in the Preferences panel. Choose Tools->Options to display the Preferences Panel, click the suitcase icon, and type the document root in the Document Root text field. Reference: 81953 Issue: Documented edited indicator not updated during table modifications Description: When editing a component containing a table, modifications inside the table are not reflected in the document's edited state (in the window titlebar) until leaving the table. Workaround: None Reference: 81461 Issue: Copyrights are out of date and they refer to NeXT rather than Apple Description: Project template copyrights are out of date and they refer to NeXT rather than Apple. Workaround: None |
Document Information | |
Product Area: | WebObjects |
Category: | WebObjects 3.5.1 |
Sub Category: | Release Notes |
Keywords: |
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