WebObjects Deployment Problems on HP-UX
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This article discusses problems commonly encountered while deploying a WebObjects application on HP-UX.
I'm trying to deploy a WebObjects 3.5.1 or WebObjects 4 application on an HP-UX 10.20 web server. My applications crash out if I try to use Monitor.app to control more than a few application instances.
Because of multithreading limitations on HP-UX, only 15 concurrent Distributed Objects (DO) connections are available to any given process; because Monitor.app uses DO to communicate with applications, monitored apps reach the limit more quickly.
You may be able to increase this limit by increasing the MAXFILES and MAXFILES_LIM kernel parameters on your system. However, if you are running your WebObjects applications on a Mach, Windows NT, or Solaris machine, a better solution is to run monitor.app on that system instead of on the web server. Monitor does not need to run on the web server machine or make DO connections to it, although it does need to make DO connections to the application server. Because monitor.app does require access to the web server's WebObjects.conf file, you will need to provide access to the server machine via NFS or Samba, or, if the WebObjects.conf file does not change, you can use an exact local copy.