QuickTime Streaming Server 2.0: Solving Problems with Streaming Services
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This article describes how to solve problems with streaming services when using QuickTime Streaming Server 2.0.
All information in this article comes from the help file distributed with QuickTime Streaming Server 2.0. The help file includes additional help topics which are not covered in the Knowledge Base.
Solving Problems with Streaming Services
If the Server Does Not Start Up or Quits Unexpectedly:
Check the error log.
Make sure the QuickTimeStreamingServer file is in the
/usr/sbin/ folder
You must be logged in to the server computer as Administrator (root) to see the QuickTimeStreamingServer file in the Workspace Manager.
Use the Mac OS X Server Setup Assistant to reconfigure the Ethernet ports.
If Media Files Do Not Stream Properly:
Check the error log.
Make sure the movie file is supported by the QuickTime Streaming Server. Check the list of compatible file formats.
Try streaming a sample movie to see if the server can stream it. You can download a sample prehinted movie from the Apple Software Updates Web site:
If the server streams the sample movie, the problem you're having may be with the way your movie file is prepared. Recreate the movie.
If the sample movie doesn't stream, the problem you're having may be with the server computer or the network.
Try hinting the movie again with the Optimize Hints For Server option selected.
Check streaming server activity and if necessary, reduce the number of connections or throughput.
If the problem occurs on a Mac OS client computer, open the TCP/IP control panel on the client computer and make sure MacIP is not selected.
If the problem occurs on a client computer, make sure the user has the appropriate settings in the Streaming Proxy and Streaming Transport panels of the QuickTime Settings control panel. The administrator for the client computer's network should be able to provide the correct settings.
If the problem occurs for media streamed using PlaylistBroadcaster, try hinting the movies again with the RTP Payload Encoding set to QuickTime and Smooth Data Rate enabled.
If you are reflecting more than one live stream, make sure each stream uses a separate UDP port. Otherwise client computers will show a message with error 500. You set up ports in the relay configuration file.
If Streaming Service is Slow:
If you are streaming QuickTime movies, make the movies self-contained using your authoring application, and make sure hinting is optimized for streaming services.
Reduce the maximum number of connections or the throughput.
Turn off other services.
Place media files on other hard disks to improve server performance.
Because QuickTime Streaming Server can use only one media folder, you need to create links from the folder you have selected in QuickTime Streaming Admin to the media files on other hard disks. To do so:
In the Workspace Manager, press the Control key and drag the folders that contain the media from the other disks to the folder you have selected as the media folder.