QuickTime Streaming Server 2.0: How to Create Streaming MP3 Files
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    This article contains instructions for streaming MP3 audio files using the QuickTime Streaming Server 2.0.


    Below are the steps for streaming an Mp3 audio file. Also in this article is a section of important notes about streaming MP3 files using the QuickTime Streaming Server 2.0.

    How to Stream MP3 Audio Files
      1. Load an MP3 audio file into the QuickTime 4 Pro-enabled player. In this example, demo.mp3 is used.

      2. Choose Export ... from the file menu.

      3. Name the file demoHinted.mov .

      4. Choose the " Movie to Hinted Movie " setting from the Export popup menu.

      5. Click the Options button. For best performance with hinted movies, confirm the "Make Movie Self-Contained" and "Optimize Hints for Server" options are set. If you choose not to make the hinted movie Self-Contained, you'll need to verify and copy both the original movie file (demo.mp3) and the new hinted movie file (demoHinted.mov) to the server (see step 8 below).

      6. Click OK . This returns you to main Export window.

      7. Click Save . A new hinted movie file demoHinted.mov will be created in the specified location.

      8. Upload the new file demoHinted.mov to the proper movies directory on the QuickTime Streaming Server (for Darwin this is typically /usr/movies , for Mac OS X Server this is typically /Local/Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Movies ) using an FTP client. Make sure to use the binary mode when uploading the file. If you chose not to make the hinted movie Self-Contained in step 5 above, you will also need to copy the original demo.mp3 movie file to the same directory (this ensures that there won't be any dependency problems).

      9. Start your QuickTime Streaming Server, if it isn't already running.

    Playing the Streamed MP3 File

    To play the MP3 file you need to use a QuickTime 4 player and enter the RTSP URL that contains the .hint file. The steps below explain how to do this.
      1. Launch a QuickTime 4 Player.
      2. Choose Open URL from the File menu.
      3. Enter the RTSP URL.

    Note: Streaming URLs does not have to end in .MOV to work properly.

    Important Notes:

    1) If the demoHinted.mov hinted movie file was not exported as Self-Contained in step 5 above, and this file is moved into a sub-directory within your Movie folder on the server, you must also move the original movie file demo.mp3 since they are dependent on each other.

    2) Also, if the demoHinted.mov hinted movie file was not exported as Self-Contained and Optimized for Server; the Streaming Server won't be able to handle as many concurrent connections as it would with normal hinted movies.

    3) For best performance with hinted movies you should always author hinted movies as Self-contained and Optimized for Server.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS X Server
Sub Category: QuickTime Streaming

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