iMovie: About iMovie 2.0.1 Update
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    About iMovie 2.0.1 Update

    The iMovie 2.0.1 Update updates iMovie 2.0 that shipped with your new Macintosh computer to iMovie 2.0.1. (It does not update any pre-2.0 versions of iMovie.)

    Welcome to iMovie 2.0.1, an application that integrates digital video (DV) capture, scene editing, titling, transitions and effects, and audio to create broadcast-quality movies.

    For the latest news and information about iMovie, along with a list of qualified camcorders and DV devices, go to the iMovie World Wide Web site at http://www.apple.com/imovie

    The following topics are covered in this document:

    • Updating iMovie
    • Reinstalling iMovie
    • Using iMovie

    Updating iMovie

    To update iMovie 2.0 to iMovie 2.0.1 double-click the iMovie 2.0.1 Updater icon and follow the onscreen instructions. The application and its components will be updated to version 2.0.1.

    Reinstalling iMovie

    If you inadvertently delete iMovie, you can reinstall the application. To reinstall iMovie, follow these steps:

      1. Insert the iMovie 2.0 CD that came with your computer into your CD or DVD drive.

      2. If necessary, double-click the CD's icon to open it.

      3. Double-click the iMovie Installer icon and follow the onscreen instructions.
      The application and components will be placed in a folder named iMovie on the main level of your hard disk.

      4. 4. Run iMovie 2.0.1 Updater to update the newly installed iMovie software to version 2.0.1.

    Note: If iMovie was pre-installed on your computer in the Applications folder, the Installer will create an iMovie folder on the main level of your hard disk. To restore iMovie to its original location, after reinstalling iMovie, drag this iMovie folder to the Applications folder on your hard disk.

    Using iMovie

    To learn how to use iMovie you can use the iMovie Tutorial and online help. When you first open iMovie you can choose to open iMovie Tutorial or select iMovie Tutorial from the Help menu.

    For late breaking news and troubleshooting please refer to appropriate topics in iMovie Help.

    Plug in any required devices before opening iMovie. Do not unplug devices while iMovie is open.

    Note: iMovie Tutorial occupies a lot of disk space, so after you are finished with it you may want to remove the iMovie Tutorial folder from your hard disk. (You can always reinstall it later.)

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: iMovie
Sub Category: General Topics

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.