System 7: Compatibility Checker Stack and Newer Applications
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    I just got the latest version of an application that the developer assures me is System 7-compatible. But when I ran the Compatibility Checker, it flagged the application as incompatible and told me I needed an update. What's going on?


    The Compatibility Checker version 1.0 was compiled from information sent to Apple by developers before the release of System 7. Since then, many developers have released newer versions of their software. Because the Compatibility Checker looks at specific version numbers of applications, it cannot recognize the newer versions, and flags them as incompatible.

    If you have questions, contact the application developer for a definitive answer, including compatibility regarding file sharing, 32-bit addressing, and virtual memory.

    Note: Even when application developers state explicitly that their products are System 7-compatible, there is no guarantee that those applications are problem-free; issues still may occur when other variables are brought in such as third party INITs and cdevs, also known as system extensions and control panel devices.

    Compatibility Checker 1.1, which updates the original, has 165 new records, as well as updated product compatibility information and corrected phone numbers. It also offers compatibility information on third-party drivers. But with new versions of applications coming out constantly, the same situation may be encountered as with the original version.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: System 7.0x-7.1.x
Sub Category: General Topics

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