WebObjects 4.5: How To Interpret the WOStats Page
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    This article discusses the meaning of the statistics shown on the WOStats page in WebObjects 4.5.


    The WOStats page is useful for seeing many statistics about a WebObjects application. You can view this page in two ways. The first is through a URL such as this one:

    where Myhost is replaced by your local host and Myapp is replaced by your application name. When using this URL, an instance is selected based on your server's load balance scheme.

    The second way is to choose a specific instance by using a URL like this one:

    where X is the number of the instance for which you want to view statistics.

    For more information on accessing the WOStats page see the WOInfoCenter.

    Application Statistics

    <BR><IMG SRC=" /www0.info.apple.com/images/kbase/88074/88074_1.gif "><BR>
    Figure 1 Application Statistics
    • Transaction: a transaction is one request-response loop.
    • Average Transaction Time: the average time for one request-response loop to be completed.
    • Average Idle Time: the time the application spends not performing request-response loops.
    • Moving Average: a moving average is an average for a given sample size. The sample size is the number of transactions used to calculate the average. In Figure 1, the moving average uses a sample size of 100 transactions.
    • Moving Average Transaction Time: average time for one request-response loop to be completed within the sample size.
    • Moving Average Idle Time: the time the application spends not performing request-response loops within the sample size.

    Session Statistics

    <BR><IMG SRC=" /www0.info.apple.com/images/kbase/88074/88074_2.gif "><BR>
    Figure 2 Session Statistics
    • Session Rate: This is the number of sessions that have timed out during the life of the application.
    • Sample Size for Moving Avg: the sample size used in this section of the WOStats page.
    • Avg. Transactions Per Session: average number of transactions performed in a given session.
    • Current Active Sessions: the number of sessions currently active.
    • Moving Avg. Session Life: the average time that a session lasts in seconds within the given sample size.
    • Avg Session Life: the average time that a session has lasted in seconds while the application has been running.
    • Moving Avg Transactions Per Session: average number of transactions performed in a session within the given sample size.
    • Total Sessions Created: total number of sessions that this instance has created.
    • Peak Active Sessions: maximum number of sessions active at one time during the life of the application.
    • Peak Concurrent Session at: time and date that the peak number of session occurred.

    Memory Usage (bytes) and Avg. Memory Usage Per Session (bytes)

    The terms used in section of the WOStats page vary by deployment platform. See the documentation included with the operating system for a definition of these terms. Virtual and Resident memory are the terms used on Mac OS X Server.
    • Memory Usage: the memory used by the instance

    <BR><IMG SRC=" /www0.info.apple.com/images/kbase/88074/88074_3.gif "><BR>
    Figure 3 Memory Usage
    • Avg. Memory Usage Per Session: the average memory used by a session in this instance. This is calculated by finding the difference between the memory footprint of the application when it starts and what it is currently. (A session is not created until a user accesses the application.) It is important to note that the first session will use more memory than other sessions because it allocates shared objects like database connections. Subsequent sessions will not consume as much memory as the first.

    <BR><IMG SRC=" /www0.info.apple.com/images/kbase/88074/88074_4.gif "><BR>
    Figure 4 Avg. Memory Usage Per Session


    This section lists the components in the application, the number of times they have been served (accessed), and the time it has taken to serve each component.

    <BR><IMG SRC=" /www0.info.apple.com/images/kbase/88074/88074_5.gif "><BR>
    Figure 5 Component Action Statistics

    Direct Action Statistics

    This section lists the Direct Actions in the application, the number of times they have been served (accessed), and the time it has taken to serve the Direct Action.

    <BR><IMG SRC=" /www0.info.apple.com/images/kbase/88074/88074_6.gif "><BR>
    Figure 6 Direct Action Statistics

    Detailed Statistics

    Detailed Statistics shows what components are being used in relation to the other components, and how many times a component has been served. This allows the administrator to quickly see what parts of the application are being used more than others, and may help in tuning the application's performance.

    <BR><IMG SRC=" /www0.info.apple.com/images/kbase/88074/88074_7.gif "><BR>
    Figure 7 Detailed Statistics

Document Information
Product Area: WebObjects
Category: WebObjects 4.5
Sub Category: General Topics

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.